Two Sides

Chapter 104 : Two Sides

Rylan sat across from Sarah in his office, his expression thoughtful and somewhat pensive. Sarah, his loyal secretary, appeared both complex and somewhat sad as they engaged in a serious conversation.

"Sarah," Rylan began, "I know my decision regarding your debt relief was perplexing."

Sarah nodded, her eyes showing a mixture of understanding and uncertainty. "It was, Mr. Yevan. I mean, the company that approached us, after all of that, seems... fishy, to say the least."

"I understand your concerns. But there's a reason behind my choice. That company specializes in debt relief and advocacy, but they also have a reputation for pushing the boundaries. It's a calculated risk." Rylan spoke flatly.

Sarah's brow furrowed. "But, Mr. Yevan, it's my debt we're talking about. It's not just a gamble; it's my financial future."