The fight between good and evil (part 2)

Berry and her friends were surrounded by the soldiers and decided to fight the soldiers by using their powers. But they were stopped by the man itself, the man said, " Stop the fight, let me talk to them." Then Berry was confused but panicking at the same time because of the safety of her friends. The man spoke and said,"Well...if it is Berry and her little friends, heheh...." Berry was shocked because the man knew her and she asked the man, "How did you know my name? And who are you anyway?" The man didn't hesitate and said, " Oh Berry....You don't know your own brother?" Berry was shocked and said, "Wait...Jerry?? Why are you doing this? You know it's dangerous to open the portal of the underworld, and it might control you also." Jerry said, "I'm doing this so that I can control this world and get that pendant that grandma gave for you so that i will be the new eclipse god!" Berry said, "Brother....." Suddenly, Jerry ordered the soldiers to attack Berry and the others. So Berry had no choice but to battle the soldiers, Berry used her powers to defeat the soldiers, Jack used his fire fists, Emilia used her earth powers to attack the soldiers, and Mark used his electricity to electric the soldiers itself. Berry and the others defeat the soldiers, and when they turn around, Jerry was gone and nowhere to be seen. Berry was sad and, at the same time, worried. What would happen to Jerry if he opened the portal to the underworld? and what was his purpose of getting Berry's pendant. Lilly saw that Berry was sad and said to Berry, "Berry.... I'm sorry about what happened there." And Lilly hugs Berry to comfort her. Berry smiled and said, "Thanks, Lilly, and it's ok, Lilly. I didn't notice that it was my brother all the time." Jack said, "That's kinda odd.....why did your brother want your pendant in the first place?" Berry said," I-i dont know Jack, but still...." Emilia said, " ok, let's go back to business and defeat that Jerry guy for once and for all!" Berry and the others agreed and decided to go to the city where the real danger is.

Meanwhile, Jerry has escaped, and now he is inside of a black car. Jerry suddenly got a phone from his assistant and the assistant said, "Boss! one of the god is awake!" Jerry said, "I see... well, wait for me to get back to the lab, and i will talk to that god in person. Right now, i need you to calm him or her down because it may escape from the lab." Then the assistant agreed, and the phone call ended. Then Jerry said to himself, " Now....i will going to control this world for once and for all and get back what our father's dream of controlling the world!" and he chuckled while saying that.

Berry had a worried face while they were walking to the city, and Lilly saw her worried face and immediately said, "Hey Berry....why are you worried?" Berry said, "'s because of my brother and you guys, i dont wanna let you guys and the world be in danger, and you guys are special to me..." Lilly said, "Berry... Don't worry about us! We should be the ones who will protect you, not us. Berry, you are the most important goddess of all, and you are the most important person to me!" Berry was shocked, and suddenly tears came out of Berry's eyes. Lilly saw Berry tears and decided to comfort her and said, "Berry, don't cry! Is not too late to save the world, right guys." They agreed on what Lilly said, and Berry's tears suddenly stopped, she said to Lilly," Lilly...thank you, thank you for being there for me when I'm down! You're the best!" And Berry hugs Lilly in happiness, and Lilly said, "awhhh Berry, thank you also for being my friend in the first place!" Berry and Lilly hug each other, and they even didn't notice Jack and the others comforting Berry also. What will happen now to Berry's brother, and what will he be going to do with the other gods that he caught?

Hi guys! This is "chapter 7 - The fight between good and evil (part 2)" And also, thank you so much for reading this novel! i didn't do it without you guys! love you guys, and god bless!!!
