
"Now that we've got this sorted, have there been any changes with the Eye? I felt it almost awaken not long ago, which I assume to be during your fight with the Cultist," Allura asked as she wanted to know the changes Alice felt.

Depending on how close the Eye was to awakening, they might have to prepare Alice for her second and third Sigil a little earlier than she had hoped.

"Hmm… Not sure. It said the time of awakening is nigh but then fell asleep right after. It did give me some new powers though."

"Oh? Care to explain?" Allura raised an eyebrow.

"If I look at someone, I can see their Sigils based on what's above their head, as well as what the Sigils look like. Like Ria has three and the person called Wess had four." Alice explained while pointing above her own head.

"Is that so… How many Sigils can you see above my head?"