Allura And Gin's Departure

With Gin and Allura both giving them an item to save their lives should they face a danger they couldn't handle, Gin was still reluctant to leave.

It wasn't until Ria urged them to go did Gin finally sigh and left while Allura did the same but not before leaving some words of caution along with two maps for them to use on their journey.

Now that they were journeying on their own, Ria stretched her body before letting out a sigh.

"Right then, is there anywhere you want to go? We're free to go anywhere now." Ria asked as she laid out the map.

"I don't really have a place in mind. Weren't we going to go straight to your friend, Luke?" Alice tilted her head since she wasn't familiar with the Abyss nor did she have a destination in mind.

Her only goal right now was to get stronger and erase her old family. To her, the destination did not matter so long as she could train and get more Sigils.