New Weapons

"What's going on? I'm pretty sure I finished all of my commissions." A tired voice sounded out as Alice and Ria saw the owner of the voice.

They had expected the head of the blacksmiths to be a large muscular old man or woman but instead, it was a young man with a rather slim physique. Even Ria seemed more muscular in comparison.

He had short crimson hair and wore the standard blacksmith's attire consisting of a black shirt, pants and an apron with tools hanging on his belt.

Handing him the letter, the young man skimmed over the contents before furrowing his brows.

"Alright. Let's make it quick then. What kind of weapon do you want?" He asked while tossing the letter on his table.

"Well what weapon do you recommend for lightning users?" Ria asked curiously, wanting to gauge the skills of the young blacksmith.

"Depends on how you fight."