Tracking Down The True Culprit

Igniting her blade, Alice watched as the creatures immediately backed off in fright before baring their fangs at her.

She could sense the flame's will, it's desire to burst forth and run rampant!

'I will be your catalyst of destruction. So burn, burn to your hearts content!'


Erupting with joy, the flame on her blade seemed to have been injected with a dosa of vigour as Alice charged towards the closest beast and slashed down.


Crashing down with new found might, the flame evaporated the beast in an instant as Alice twisted her body and slashed towards the next target.

However, this was all just a warm up. Her true target was the hooded man who was watching everything unfold. Even now, he was only using two Sigils to match her power. While he was still looking down on her, she was going to capitalise on this chance!