Late Night Training

'Upon activating the Sigils or gaining a passive ability, the blood has already become Abyss Blood… Does that mean once a person gets a Sigil they are already considered an Abyss Beast but in human skin?' Alice asked herself as she couldn't help but wonder if her strange state was linked to this.

The heightened senses, the bloodlust and the way her instincts warned her of danger.

It has surpassed the realm of ordinary humans.

Scratching her hair, Alice let out a deep sigh as she set in the empty void.

Cayla has now returned to her slumber and there was a faint mark on her hand.

It was different to the Sigil marks as it was something to help her track down the ruins.

'Not only that, but the guy I fought seemed to have made a whole 'new person' since his clones had Sigils. What could he be trying to do? Would Allura have an idea?'