Andrius Blackthorn

"Now I believe you have requested to meet me due to some questions about the task, yes?" The Lord smiled while having his butler serve some tea to the two ladies in front of him. 

Lord Andrius Blackthorn, the esteemed noble of the city that had assisted in creating the mechanical guards that patrol these streets. A striking figure with black hair accentuated by streaks of white, signs of his age.

A cleanly trimmed beard framed his face marked by a scar that travelled up from the corner of his lips to his cheek.

He wore a fancy black shirt with silver embroidery, a raise collar along with a set of earrings and a necklace. Black suit pants and a pair of shoes to match his dark attire.

"Indeed, Lord Blackthorn. We wanted to ask some questions regarding the Unbound Demonette so that the Hunt can proceed smoothly. After all, several Hunters have already failed to dispatch the beast." Ria nodded with a polite nod.