
"Is the cake not to your taste? I don't blame you, Lua does like it to be sweeter than usual." Kaden asked with a smile while Alice simply shook her head and ate the cake.

"It's not even that sweet though." Allura furrowed her brows while biting her spoon since she had already finished her snack.

"That's debatable. But settle that aside, I believe Lua brought you here since she's bad at explaining right? I'm sure you have your own circumstances but I do hope you can cooperate." Kaden chuckled while putting his apron aside.

"Now then, you've mentioned you're from the surface but you don't know how you got here. What's the last thing you remember?" He asked while flicking his fingers.

A book jumped out from his shadow as he flipped through the pages.

"I was taking an exam before a blinding light covered me. Next thing I know I was falling from the sky."

"And your flames?"