Hell Gate

After the meeting was over, the group returned to Velouria's castle and sat down to relax.

"Master, are you sure it's okay to let them do as they wish in the Abyss for now though? The Eclipse God didn't seem to be joking when she was asking you to prove yourself." Allura asked while eating some cake.

"It's better to play along for now. And they're not wrong in the fact that we don't know what the Will actually wants. So far, it simply seems to be acting on a whim. Even the act of making me the Goddess." Velouria shrugged helplessly.

"Do you think it's planning on opening new paths to other realms? Aside from the Surface and the Abyss, we know that there are realms where the Outer Gods reside." Nyer asked curiously. He was currently sitting on the balcony away from Alice since she was uncomfortable with his presence. Even though he didn't know why, he'd respect her choice.