Seraphim Of The Void

"Seraphim of the Void…" Alice muttered as she closed her eyes.

Using Cayla's ability to note down the appearance of every beast in the Abyss, Alice was about to search when she paused in realisation.

Since they were in a memory, could she even get a bounty from this?

The best one to ask would be Velouria but she seemed busy.

Regardless, she wanted to see the target that Kaden had found for her.

Filtering through the options, only one projection remained as Alice understood that this was the target in question.

Standing at an astonishing 10ft tall, the woman had a halo of black stars and pure white hair. Both of her eyes were closed but the moment Alice made her open them, it looked as though countless pupils were merged into a single golden pupil.

Much like in Alice's resonance form, the Seraphim's limbs faded into a deep black while purple markings stretched from her hand to her chest, revealing a swirling void of energy.