Chapter 1: A Scandal Uncovered

Startled into awareness, Joy's eyes flew open as a surge of memories stormed into her mind. The onslaught of recollections caused her head to throb, forcing Joy to curl up, clutching at her head and groaning.

"Isn't it a bit late to be playing coy?" The lazy, deep voice was tinged with mockery, impossible to ignore.

There was someone else in the room? Joy's head snapped up!

A tall figure, a white bathrobe clinging to a robust body. He was the type who appeared lean clothed, but undeniably muscular when unclothed. A droplet of water trickled down his solid, elastic pectorals, falling onto his enticing waist. His eyes, narrowed and as dark as a hawk's, surveyed her. Despite his inaction, an oppressive aura, akin to that of a superior, was palpable.

Joy was taken aback, her mind working in overdrive: should she scream and call for help, or seize the chance to appreciate the splendid physique before her?

"Have you not seen enough?" The deep voice rang out once more, this time with a hint of warning.

"You…" Joy shifted her gaze to the man's face and froze.

This…this man…

How did this man bear such a striking resemblance to the lead in her dream last night?! In her dream, she had spent a satisfying night with a man who looked exactly like the one before her, and had fallen asleep contentedly. How had the dream's lead male role in her reality upon waking?

Could it be…

Had last night not been a dream after all, but a reality?

With this thought, Joy mustered the courage to pinch the man's firm abdomen.

Joy: "Quickly tell me it doesn't hurt, that this is all just a dream…"

The man was taken aback by Joy's action. Was this some new seductive maneuver?

She had chosen the wrong person to play games with.

The man bent down, lifting Joy's chin, "Whatever games you're trying to play, I suggest you save your energy. Remember, this was a one-night affair."

The man's fingers pinched Joy's chin a bit too hard. Joy winced in pain and knocked his hand away.

Joy: "That hurts! You caused me pain!" Wait a minute, pain? Was this reality? Had she truly spent the night with a man she didn't know? What the hell!

"Hold on a moment, handsome, allow me some time to gather my thoughts…" In a state of panic, Joy sat up hurriedly, attempting to explain, her blanket sliding off her body, revealing the evidence of their night of passion to the man before her.

Joy abruptly fell silent, hastily wrapping the bed sheet around her. The man watched with amusement as Joy flustered, finding her unexpectedly endearing. The methods women employed to entice men were indeed bountiful and diverse!

Ensuring she was well-covered, Joy gingerly settled at the foot of the bed. Looking up at the man, she said, "Sir, I believe there may be some misunderstandings between us…"

The doorbell rang at this moment, accompanied by the pounding on the heavy wooden door. The door to the presidential suite of the Four Seasons Hotel was incredibly soundproof, and the fact that the pounding could be heard was testament to the ferocity of the force applied. Before the two inside could react, the door clicked open.

A man and a woman stormed in, livid, heading straight for Joy, "Joy! We've been looking for you all night, and you were fooling around with some unknown man in a hotel! You shameless wench!"

A slap landed solidly on Joy's face.