The agent excitedly exclaimed, "What a huge fortune! Mr. Reed personally bidding for your item, from now on who would dare to challenge you in this circle? We finally have someone backing us."

Damion forced a smile, this wasn't a fortune, it was clear that Mr. Reed was angry.

Joy blinked at Dean's perfect god-like profile and stuttered, "That's a big expenditure."

"For charity."

That was indeed a double entendre, treating her 'over-the-head' syndrome was also charity!

Yes, do more of this kind of charity, it would be even better if we tear up our marriage certificate, I welcome this kind of charity even more!

Joy smiled, "Thank you, Mr. Reed, you're a good and charitable man."

Dean's dark eyes stared at her intently and only moved away when Joy was about to lose her smile.

David hesitated even at the bid of 1.6 million, let alone at 3 million. He didn't utter a word until the hammer confirmed the final bid.