Dean answered after a long time, "Awake?"

Joy nodded, "Just woke up and called you back. I was too tired the day before yesterday. I went out to do something yesterday and fell asleep as soon as I came back."

"I heard from Jennie, stay at home and wait for me to come back, don't go out and run around."

"But I can't, I have to attend my cousin's birthday banquet today. After breakfast, I have to get ready and put on makeup."

"Oh? Whose birthday banquet?"

"Amanda, my cousin, my aunt's daughter, and also my fiancé's first love. She might even pregnant with my fiancé's child now."

"Then don't go."

"No, I must go. If I don't go, how can I steal her thunder? How can I let her know that I'm better than her? How can I let her know that she has picked up a dog that I don't want?"

Joy smirked. Amanda, this unparalleled rotten lotus, she would make her the lamest female protagonist in history.