Joy couldn't help but laugh after she finished talking. Tsk, Amanda must be cursing her to death in her heart. But she still has to smile and talk to her politely.

Sometimes thinking about it, Amanda really has a hard life.

"Thank you, Joy." Amanda wished she could strangle her. A good birthday party was ruined by her, and she offended many classmates.

"What are you thanking me for? You're my only sister, we're family. If I don't treat you well, who will I treat well? Hailey is bullying me, you can't help her anymore. If the police ask you to testify in court, you have to tell the truth. We are sisters, they are all outsiders."

"Ah, is Joy going to sue Hailey? Can this matter be reconciled? We're all from the same college, there's no need to make things so stiff," Amanda advised.