
Rosabella 's P.o.v

2 years earlier.

"Rosabella, you're nineteen now, so you can leave at any time,"with a hiss of annoyance, my fourth foster mother Angie told me.

"Now that you have collected all the state money, why should I stay here, being a burden? "

"You are such an entitled little brat," she yelled.

The normal name calling will Continue, she will tell me how worthless I am and how I won't amount to anything.

"You are just going to end up in jail," she hissed.

"You're probably right."

I walked to my room. The littlest room I have ever seen. It was enough space for a bed and a tiny bookshelf. I grabbed my backpack from under the bed and a notebook full of songs.

She wouldn't stop nagging me, even while packing my stuff. She yelled and screamed, calling me every name in the book. The name that bothered me most was stupid. That is such a disgraceful and degrading name.

I emptied out my drawer, which was full of exactly five outfits. With everything in my room, I only had my backpack full. Angie's home was the worst living situation. I walked in the hallway. I didn't even make eye contact with her. Instead, I walked straight to the front door. My hand reached the handle.

"Are you leaving?" she asked with a red face. Her arms crossed over her chest.

"You're crazy, you just told me to leave?"

"Rosebella quit being dramatic," she says.

I don't even answer. She is nuts. I walked out the door. It was a cold winter day. I had no blanket. No food and no where to stay. I walked to the local park. I sat down under a tree. That house may be warm, but it was hell, pain and misery.

"Rosabella," said a handsome man. He was absolutely gorgeous. I have never seen another human like him.

"Who are you?" I hear my voice shake.

"Finn," he tells me, reaching out his hand. I shook it. His hand felt so cold.

"How do you know me?" Was this a stalker?

"Your parents Sandy and Jim made a deal with my vampire clan leader. He healed your mom's cancer in exchange for you to belong to the clan", he tells me.

"You're psychotic." I felt terrified, overwhelmed, and confused. I felt like running , but my feet wouldn't move.

My eyes watch him in fear, and honestly a little bit of surprise.

Finn hissed, showing me his sharp teeth, and I jumped in the air. I put my hands over my face. I screamed and begged him to go away.

I waited for several moments before I removed my hands from my face. Finn was gone. Disappeared in thin air like a magician snapping his finger. There was a bag full of money and a picture of my parents and me as a tiny baby where he stood.

I am not sure what happened and who Finn was. As I looked through the hundreds of dollars, I realized he saved me from going back to a home full of abuse.

Finn's P.O.V

"The look on Rosabella's face. She looked so scared, my sweet girl. I never want to see her like that again." I told Dominic, Cedric, Cassandra and Blair.

"She belongs to the clan," yelled Dominic.

"She belongs to no one."

"A deal is a deal," Cedric yelled.

"Give me some time, I will have Roseabella here soon. Let her explore who she is as a person."

"Did you leave her some money?" Cassandra asked.


"Don't make me impatient" Finn," hissed Dominic, showing his fangs. His eyes went black. He thinks that scares me.

"Chill Dominic," Cassandra said, putting up her hand.

They go outside to enjoy the snow. I rushed to spy on Rosabella. She had gotten a hotel. A cheap one at that. I gave her thousands of dollars. Why would she stay there?

I made myself invisible and looked into her window. I saw her crying alone in the hotel room, sitting on the bed. It broke my heart. All I want is to comfort her and protect her, but most of all love her. I didn't want to freak her out, or harm her. I could not get the horrible image of her scared face from my mind. She was scared of me. I will keep watching over her from a distance. Fuck Dominic.