Chapter 20

Arjun's P.O.V

The Vampire? Of fucking crouse, he'll have to show up? I see Rosie becoming nervous, she obviously worried about making him mad. And I completely understand that she wouldn't want a fight in front of the band members. Hell, I don't even want a supernatural fight around the humans. And I really don't want my werewolf growing impatient inside, I don't want to end these humans' lives.

"Finn." I try to address him calmly when I noticed his face like stone walking in the room.

Rosie instantly stops singing, which makes the band stop playing.

"What is he doing here Rosie?" Finn yells.

Her face turns red, and I know it was from embarrassment and not anger.

She jumps off the stage and walks toward us. I was sitting in the theater chairs, so I automatically stood up.

"Everything okay?" Jeffrey asks.

"Yeah, it's fine," Rosie turns around and smiles.

The band members watched wide eyed. You don't have to know the informational background to know that there is tension between the three of us.

"You have a lot of right leaving me like you did, and then demanding why is Arjun here."

Finn's eyes change from me to Rosie.

I wrap my arm around Rosie, pulling her into my side. This obviously sets off a strong reaction with Finn, because I see the veins start forming all over his face, and his eyes instantly turn black.

"Call off your practice," the words hiss out of his mouth.

"What?" I see how confused Rosabella is.

"Dude, you need to chill," I say.

"I try to handle this the nice way, but maybe I should handle it the way vampires are supposed to handle their problems."

I see Rosabella's eyes grow huge.

Taking a peek at all the band members' faces, their mouths all drop open.

I see Rosie move toward him, and I gently, but protectively grab her arm. She looks back at me. "He won't hurt me."

"But I will hurt him." I see Finn glaring at me, his eyes huge and black. His fangs are showing, he is obviously ready for a fight.

"Do you think I am scared of you Finn? Is that what you think?"

He growls, as I step closer.

"See, because here's the difference. Rosabella is destined to be with me. I can't change it, you can't change it, she can't change it. Your relationship is just a phrase. Well, at least for her anyway." I make sure to give my smirk.

"She's already starting to see the difference, and she knows who she's meant to be with." I bark the words, and my wolf already growls inside of me, wanting to come out and rip the vampire to shreds.

"Is that so?"

"Boys just stop."

Rosie slid her body between us, because we were practically nose to nose.

I see Finn wrap his arm around her waist, pull her into his body. She places her hand over his chest.

"Tell him to leave Rosie, Finn looks down at her. I see the way she looks up at him, and clearly there are some types of feelings for him. I know the more time she spends with me, the more her feelings towards me will overpower that.

"Arjun, I had so much fun with you, but I do think you need to leave."

She looks over it at me, and I don't want to make this hard for her, because I see the sympathy in her eyes. She's just trying to please him and make him happy.

I nod.

"You know Rosie, with me, you won't be controlled. He is too possessive."

I ram my shoulder into him, walking past him. "When she's not around, I'm going to send you to Hell."

"Looking forward to it." He tells me that stupid smart ass smirk on his face.