
"Oh I know," Arthur said excitedly as he raised his hand but then Abi held his hand. 

"You have to tell me first, just in case," Abi said purposefully getting an irritated expression from Vixen, it felt as though she was planning something. 

Like she had purposefully planned everything. 

Arthur used his hand to cover his mouth and then reached for her ear as she brought it closer so he could whisper into her ear. 

Abi expression was shifting for a while considering his sentence. 

"Oh really, I don't think that's what he's doing, could you do it again Vixen," she said as she directed her gaze to him and then he once again out of frustration stepped on his toes hoping they were going to understand what he meant this time. 

"Hmm, is it ballet?" 

Just then he knew he was close and then he stopped to give a thumbs up to show they were close to what they what the demonstration.