Chapter 6: Becoming the Elite

David frowned, feeling a surge of defiance at Lux's words. He decided to test something - could he look at Lux's status menu just as he could in his own world? With a focused thought, a holographic interface appeared before him, showcasing Lux's stats. It was real; he could see Lux's information as if this were a game. But this newfound ability did nothing to lessen the imminent threat his brother posed.

As David focused, the holographic interface came to life. Displayed on it were Lux's stats:

Status Window


Name: Lux Jupiter

Title: Scion of Jupitor, Prodigy Of the Jupiter.

Level: 17

Strength: Supernatural (50)

Endurance: Super Human (20)

Agility: Super Human (21 )

Intellect: High Human (10)

Super Power: Jupiters Lightning (lv. 2)


The statistics were not surprising. Lux was a prodigy, renowned for his lightning manipulation abilities. His level and stats far surpassed that of an average student. Even his titles, as ridiculous as they sounded, added to his formidable reputation. But David wasn't afraid. He was the author of this world, and he would find a way to turn things around. He just had to play his cards right.

David knew he had to do something. With a deep breath, he activated his power: Mantling. He focused on Lux, specifically on his lightning manipulation ability.

[Character Mantle: Inspired by Lux Jupiter.]

[Superpower Acquired: Jupiters Lightning]

Suddenly, electricity danced across David's skin. It felt exhilarating, like a surge of raw energy. Everyone in the room gasped as bolts of lightning crackled around him. Even Lux, who had been so sure of his dominance, stumbled over his words.

"You''ve awakened your powers," he stammered, his arrogant demeanor momentarily shattered. His eyes were wide, filled with surprise and disbelief. For the first time, Lux looked at David not as a disgrace but as a potential threat.

Just then, a powerful voice echoed through the room, causing everyone to freeze. "Jupiters don't fight each other," their father, Jupiter, admonished sternly. His voice carried an unmistakable tone of authority, and just like that, the tense atmosphere was diffused.

Everyone straightened up, their attention turning to the imposing figure at the entrance of the room. Jupiter had entered, his stern gaze surveying the situation. His intervention was enough to put a stop to Lux's hostility, at least for now. David couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

With a simple wave of his hand, Jupiter dismissed Lux. "Don't you have some apprenticeship you should be focusing on? What was his name? Pacer, the speedster?"

Lux clenched his jaw, glaring at David one last time before turning to leave. "Yes, Father," he muttered under his breath, the sour taste of defeat evident in his tone.

Jupiter turned to David, his stern expression softening a little. "David, we need to talk," he said, guiding him to the living room.

They sat on plush, leather couches, the room filled with tension. Jupiter studied David, his eyes seeming to see right through him.

"I heard about your altercation at school today," he began, his voice filled with a hint of disappointment.

"Your actions have drawn unwanted attention from a couple of flies."

David shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He wasn't sure how to respond. Everything was happening so fast. The sudden awakening of his powers, his confrontation with Lux, and now this discussion with his father.

"I understand, Dad," David replied, looking at the floor. "I didn't mean to cause trouble."

"I know, David," Jupiter replied, sighing. "But in our position, our actions carry significant weight. We need to be mindful of our actions."

David nodded, understanding the gravity of his father's words. In this world, his actions had far-reaching consequences, affecting not only him but also his family's standing.

"I'll be more careful," David promised, meeting his father's gaze.

"I hope so, I didn't come here today to chastise you the school incident was merely that an incident. I wanted to check up on my son." Jupiter said, placing a hand on David's shoulder.

"We're Jupiter's, surrounded by many Moons David. We have a reputation to uphold. And remember, you don't have to face everything alone. You have family."

"Dad," David started, a serious look on his face. "I've been monitoring Enryu with the Capacity Gauge. His's... it's dangerous."

Jupiter, normally composed, raised an eyebrow at this, clearly intrigued. "You've been using a Capacity Gauge on him? That's unusual. You must see something special in him."

David nodded, gathering his thoughts before he responded. "His power growth is extraordinary. He's different. No one else sees it because they're too busy focusing on his past or his current situation. But his potential, it's unlike anything I've seen before."

Jupiter's face remained impassive as he processed the information, but his eyes were thoughtful. He knew his son, knew that he wouldn't bring this up without a reason. He finally broke the silence with a simple question, "And what do you suggest we do, David?"

"Support him," David replied immediately. "Offer him the resources he needs to grow. I believe he could be an invaluable asset to us in the future."

Jupiter fell silent again, weighing David's words. The room was thick with tension as David waited for his father's response. The decision Jupiter made now could change the course of not just Enryu's life, but also the future David had once envisioned.

"Support him..." Jupiter echoed, mulling over the idea. "That's a bold suggestion, David. You're asking us to invest in a wildcard. But if you see potential in him, then maybe it's worth the risk. But you'll have to prove yourself first."

With that, Jupiter left the room, leaving David alone with his thoughts and a mounting sense of anticipation. The choice to support Enryu was out of his hands now. All he could do was wait and see how things would unfold. The path of the future was uncertain, and this was just the beginning.

"I've noticed something different about you lately, David," Jupiter said, peering at his son with a discerning gaze. "You speak with more confidence, there's a certain clarity in your eyes that wasn't there before. It's as if... you've been reborn."

David felt a strange jolt run through him at his father's words, a reminder of his situation. His father didn't know just how close to the truth he was. With a slight smile, David responded, "Just seeing things more clearly now, Dad. That's all."

Jupiter gave him a nod, seemingly satisfied with the answer. "Good, son. Keep that focus. And remember, you're a Jupiter. Uphold our name and make us proud. Remember our family motto you are a Jupiter surrounded by many Moons."

David couldn't help but feel a strange sense of pride at his father's words. It was odd, this feeling of belonging. He wasn't technically part of this family in the original sense, but right now, in this world, in this body, he was David Jupiter. And he was going to do whatever it took to protect those he cared about, including Enryu. His resolve only strengthened as he left his father's presence, ready to face whatever came next.