Chapter 8: Fire and Ice

David watched as Amazodia, a royal member of the Arcanians, entered the training area. Her jet-black hair flowed down to her waist, shimmering with each step. Her fit, hourglass body radiated an imposing aura that was as intimidating as it was mesmerizing.

The Arcanians were known for their ruthlessness and advanced technology, conquering planets and enslaving lesser races. Yet, here she was, training in the same facility as him.

Status Window


Name: Amazodia

Title: Arcanian Princess, Future Conqueror

Level: 3

Strength: Super Human (20)

Endurance: Superhuman (25)

Agility: Super Human (35)

Intellect: Super Human (33)

Super Power: Advanced Flame Manipulation (Lv. 3): Ability to control and generate fire in various forms.


- Arcanian Martial Arts (Lv. 3): A unique form of combat practiced by the Arcanian race, emphasizing strength and aggression.


Just then, another distinct figure caught his eye — Jade Frost. She was an elegant Valkai, also from Trimodia but of a different race that was often at odds with the Arcanians. The Valkai were known for their frost-related abilities and muscular physique. The tribes of Valkai had a long history of being openly hostile with the Arcanians.

Jade Frost, much like Amazodia, carried an unmistakable aura of power. She walked with a sense of purpose that commanded respect from those around her. The sight of these two formidable characters, future love interests he had written for Enryu, being in the same area sent a wave of nostalgia washing over him.

Status Window


Name: Jade Frost

Title: Valkai Princess, Future Sovereign

Level: 3

Strength: Super Human (25)

Endurance: Super Human (25)

Agility: Super Human (30)

Intellect: Super Human (35)

Super Power: Advanced Ice Manipulation (Lv. 3): Ability to control and generate ice in various forms.

Skills: Valkai Berserker Combat (Lv. 3): A unique form of combat practiced by the Valkai race, emphasizing the use of raw strength and the element of surprise.


"You know, Frost, I could easily melt your icy demeanor," Amazodia goaded, her voice laced with contempt. She was as fiery as the powers she possessed, her eyes flaring with a spark that promised retribution.

Jade Frost, however, wasn't one to back down. "Your threats are as empty as your skull, Amazodia. The only thing you'll be melting is your pride when I freeze you in your tracks," she shot back, her frosty gaze never leaving Amazodia's fiery eyes.

Their disdain for each other was palpable, their every interaction laced with underlying threats and challenges. But before the tension could reach a boiling point, a new voice interrupted.

Supra, their combat instructor and a highly decorated hero, chuckled at the brewing storm. "You know what's the best part about combat class?" he asked, directing his question to the whole class, but his eyes twinkled with mischief as they flickered between the two princesses. "We've got on-site healers who can mend broken bones instantly. So, how about we settle this with some duels, eh?"

His proposal was met with a moment of silence, followed by grudging nods from both Jade and Amazodia. Their rivalry was so intense that they would gladly welcome a chance to take out their aggression on one another, even in a controlled environment.

From the moment the signal was given, both Amazodia and Jade launched themselves at each other, their unique martial arts styles meshing with their elemental powers in a beautiful yet deadly dance.

Amazodia was aggressive and forceful, utilizing a style that seemed to draw from Capoeira and Taekwondo. Her kicks and flips were accompanied by bursts of fire that left streaks of light in their wake. Each movement was executed with a raw, unfiltered power, her fiery personality manifesting in her combat style.

On the other hand, Jade's movements were graceful, fluid, and precise, drawing upon elements of Aikido and Kung Fu. She moved like water, flowing around Amazodia's attacks while launching her own counter-offensives. Her every strike was accompanied by a wave of frost, creating a beautiful contrast with Amazodia's fiery assault.

At one point, Amazodia launched a roundhouse kick at Jade, a trail of fire following her foot. But Jade sidestepped and countered with a swift jab to Amazodia's midsection, her hand coated in a layer of frost. Amazodia was sent flying back, skidding across the floor.

Jade didn't let up. She dashed forward, her movements so quick they were almost a blur. With a swift sweep of her leg, she knocked Amazodia off her feet. But before Amazodia could even hit the ground, Jade delivered a downward punch, her fist encased in ice.

The impact sent a shockwave through the training area, causing everyone to gasp. As the dust cleared, Jade stood victorious over Amazodia, her icy aura contrasting sharply with the fiery girl beneath her.

Throughout the duel, David watched with a mix of nostalgia and fascination. These were characters he had created, their abilities and personalities a product of his imagination. To see them brought to life, to witness their powers in action - it was an awe-inspiring sight.

As other students began to engage in battles one after another, David's eyes remained fixed on Enryu, who stood silently, waiting for his turn. Finally, it came. His opponent was none other than Hotshot, the son of the famous hero, Mr. Inferno. A murmur of anticipation rippled through the crowd. As they readied themselves for battle, the atmosphere in the room became charged with tension and excitement.

Hotshot, as his name suggested, was a fiery character both in terms of his abilities and his personality. With a shock of red hair that matched his fiery eyes, he oozed arrogance. Standing across from Enryu, he flashed a cocky grin.

Status Window


Name: Hotshot

Title: Mr. Inferno's Heir

Level: 2

Strength: Above Average (7)

Endurance: Above Average (7)

Agility: Above Average (7)

Intellect: Super Human (25)

Super Power: Flame Manipulation

Skills: Flame Aura, Fireball


"You ready to get burned, Frosty?" he taunted, fire dancing along his fingertips. Enryu, in stark contrast, remained silent, offering no reaction to Hotshot's provocations. His calm demeanor didn't waver, his icy gaze fixed on his opponent, waiting patiently for the match to start.

Hotshot continued his relentless verbal barrage, soaking up the cheers from the crowd of students.

"What's wrong, Frosty? Scared already?"

he smirked, his voice amplified by the roaring crowd. The spectators added their own jeers, booing Enryu and taunting him for his quiet demeanor and slender build. Yet, through all the insults and noise, Enryu's expression remained cool and collected, unfazed by the negativity swirling around him. He just stood there, silent and steady, waiting for the right moment.

The anticipation in the air was palpable as Supra, the instructor, raised his hand. His voice cut through the cacophony of the spectators. "Begin!" he announced, and with that, the battle was set into motion.