Chapter 13: Mentor Mishap

"Trainwreck... Why did it have to be Trainwreck?" David muttered to himself, staring at the holographic display board in disbelief. His heart pounded in his chest as his fate sunk in. Trainwreck, the notorious sidekick to the renowned hero Overlord, also known as the Dimensional Hopper, was to be his mentor.

Trainwreck was a well-known figure, but for all the wrong reasons. He was practically a mascot, a glorified sidekick who was more likely to provide comedic relief than save the day. His constant presence at the scene of action, despite his apparent lack of any superpowers, could only be attributed to one thing: pure plot armor.

David was familiar with Trainwreck's escapades, having written about him in his book. He knew that the so-called hero was more of a bystander, getting dragged along by Overlord on his dimension-hopping adventures. If David was to become Trainwreck's sidekick, he was sure he would be nothing more than cannon fodder.

He turned to Enryu, who was also grimacing at the board. "I can't believe they're making me Trainwreck's sidekick," David lamented. Enryu's grimace deepened, a clear sign that he shared David's sentiment. He knew Trainwreck too, and in his original timeline, he wasn't known for his prowess as a hero, but for his uncanny ability to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

David was left with an uneasy feeling. He knew he had to find a way to change his mentor, and fast. If he stuck with Trainwreck, he knew he wouldn't stand a chance. His dream of becoming a real hero would be replaced by the imminent threat of an untimely end.

"Who's your mentor, Enryu?" David asked, glancing towards him.

"I...I got Yura Frostblade," Enryu answered, struggling to keep his emotions in check.

"Yura Frostblade?" David echoed, his heart twinging with sympathy. Their relationship was the clichéd tale of a student falling for his beautiful, cold-hearted mentor, a narrative that ultimately ended in tragedy. It was one of the subplots he'd written in his novel that now seemed too painful in reality.

"I see," he murmured, trying to hide his empathy. His eyes were steady on Enryu, concealing the knowledge of the cliche but devastating path that lay ahead for his fellow student.

The auditorium erupted into a flurry of animated discussions. While some students had been fortunate with their mentor matches, the majority of voices echoed frustration and dismay.

"Why on earth would they pair me with Slipstream? He's always on the move. How am I supposed to keep up?" a girl lamented, throwing her hands up in despair.

"Aren't you lucky? You got matched with someone at least. My mentor is a retired hero who spends his time playing chess in the park," a boy griped, a pout etched on his face.

"I got Stunner," another student moaned, his shoulders slumping at the very utterance of the name. "Isn't he just a second-rate hero who spends more time on his hair than saving people? How am I supposed to learn from someone like that?"

As the wave of complaints flooded the room, the initial excitement of the mentorship reveal seemed to have faded, replaced by an air of discontent. For David and many others, the program seemed to have kicked off on the wrong foot.

"I know some of you may be unhappy with your mentor assignment," Principal Ijax announced, his voice effortlessly cutting through the chatter. "Remember, we have selected the mentors that best suit your current powers and capabilities."

A murmur spread through the auditorium, slightly easing the discontent.

"For those of you with unawakened powers, if you manage to awaken them and maintain good grades, you will be reassigned a mentor more suitable for your skills next year," he continued.

David felt a sinking feeling in his gut. A whole year, he thought, with Trainwreck.

Despite the mixed feelings, the principal's concluding words were met with a round of applause and cheers. Whatever the future held, it was clear that the road to becoming a hero had officially begun for the students of Elite Future Academy.

As the auditorium slowly emptied out, David and Enryu found themselves standing outside the grand structure, the bustling sounds of the academy serving as their backdrop. Just when they were about to head home, a familiar figure approached them.

Jake, the senior student Elysia had manipulated earlier, was heading their way with a challenging smirk plastered on his face.

David narrowed his eyes at Jake's approaching figure, instinctively pulling up his status menu.

Status Window


Name: Jake Turner

Hero Name: Payback

Title: None

Level: 13

Strength: Super Human (40)

Endurance: Super Natural (50)

Agility: Super Human (20)

Intellect: Human (5)

Super Power:

- Resilient Skin (lv.1): User's skin has enhanced durability, making it resistant to various forms of physical damage.

- Super Strength (lv.1): User possesses strength beyond the normal limits of an ordinary human.

Skills: Boxing


There it was, Jake "Payback" Turner, an individual who in the future would become a powerful hero - though David considered him to be too brutish and reckless for his own good.

David eyed Jake carefully, a million thoughts racing through his mind. 'Why is he here?' he mused silently. 'What does he want?' The timing of it all was too coincidental, coming right on the heels of the mentor announcement. And knowing Elysia's manipulative nature, it was entirely plausible that Jake was part of her intricate web of schemes.

As Jake's stats flashed in his mind, David could feel the familiar rush of adrenaline. He knew that a fight was imminent, and it wasn't going to be pretty. A quick sideways glance at Enryu confirmed his thoughts. The typically composed student was now radiating a cold, steely aura. In one smooth motion, he stepped forward to confront Jake, his gaze unwavering.

"Did Elysia put you up to this?" Enryu's voice cut through the tense silence like a sharp blade, leaving the air thick with uncertainty and apprehension.