Chapter 15: Echoes of Conflict

The numbers flashed rapidly in David's field of vision:

[+1 strength]

[+1 Agility]

[+1 Strenght]

With each impact, his strength surged. Adapting, adjusting, evolving. In a swift, practiced move, David spun behind Jake, his fingertips crackling with lightning. A zap, sharp and precise, hit Jake's eardrums. Jake crumpled to the ground, unconscious.

"Someone call a medic, and maybe an electrician. It seems Jake's circuits got a little fried." David called out, his voice tinged with humor.

Disbelief spread through the crowd, even as murmurs of disbelief rippled through them. David Jupiter, the supposed 'Zero' class, had just defeated Jake, who was a senior. The whispers grew louder, the rumors started spreading, and a new name began to echo in the courtyard - David Jupiter.

Enryu observed the situation from the sidelines, his gaze following David as the crowd burst into disbelief. There was a puzzling element to David's abrupt escalation in power, a piece of the puzzle that just didn't seem to fit.

For now, he decided, he'd let David bask in his well-deserved moment of triumph, while he kept his suspicions to himself.

As the crowd cleared to make way for the medic, a figure stepped forward. It was Jade Frost, the valiant Valkai warrior who'd fought against Amazodia. She appraised David with a speculative gaze, clearly impressed by his performance.

"You showed some impressive skills, David," Jade approached him, her voice carrying over the noise of the crowd.

Jade extended her hand towards David, her eyes sparkling with determination.

"Join us. You have the potential to be a great asset in the coming battles."

David looked at her, his gaze calm and steady.

"Thank you for the offer, Jade," he said, his voice clear in the silent courtyard

"Yet, I find no purpose in joining a war on a planet that isn't even my own, a place steeped in needless bloodshed," David responded, his words clear and elegant, leaving the crowd in a hush.

There was a moment of stunned silence. The crowd was taken aback. This was the first time someone had openly refused the invite from a Valkai warrior.

Jade, too, seemed surprised, but then a slow smile crept onto her face.

"Well, that's a first. But it only makes you more interesting, David. Remember, my offer still stands."

David gave her a polite nod. He had made his point clear. He didn't want to be a part of any war. But as he watched Jade disappear into the crowd, he couldn't help but feel a prickle of anticipation. This was just the beginning. He could tell there were more challenges awaiting him at Elite Future Academy.

Meanwhile, Mavis, who'd been silently observing the fight, couldn't keep a firm grip on his usual confident demeanor. He'd always dismissed David as inferior, yet the spectacle of the Jupiter heir's newfound power was disconcerting.

A flicker of uncertainty passed through his eyes, and a thought he never considered before surfaced: Could he actually match David in combat if it came down to it? But then, a more comforting idea found its way into his mind.

"He must be using enhancement drugs," Mavis muttered to himself, the notion serving as a balm to his bruised ego. It seemed easier for him to believe David had cheated, rather than acknowledge the possibility that he might have underestimated him.

And there were others too, whispering, speculating, and spreading rumors.

The buzz among the students rose to a fevered pitch. Whispers and taunts cut through the air, laced with doubt and contempt.

"David Jupiter using enhancement drugs? Who would've thought?" one student mocked, rolling his eyes dramatically.

"I heard those things can make you powerful overnight, but they're dangerous. Can't believe he'd stoop so low," another chimed in, a disgusted look on her face.

"Is he really that desperate to awaken his abilities?" a third voice added, the comment delivered with a sneer.

Their words echoed through the crowd, painting David as a cheater, desperate enough to risk his life for a moment of power. The image they portrayed of him was starkly different from the truth, but in that moment, their perception seemed to become the reality.

Right after his showdown with Jake, David got a call from his dad, Jupiter. The fact that he had awakened his abilities warranted a serious talk. Leaving the campus behind, David moved through the lively streets of Fairhaven, finally making his way back to their high-end, floating villa.

In the plush comfort of their floating villa, which hovered over the sparkling city of Fairhaven, David found himself drawn into a profound conversation with his father, Jupiter. It was a dialogue steeped in the history of their lineage and the evolution of society - a tale David was well-versed in, yet each retelling offered a renewed perspective.

"The cataclysm our world bore witness to centuries ago was beyond anything experienced before," Jupiter began, his voice carrying a gravity that befitted the tale.

"Meteorites, teeming with sophisticated extraterrestrial microorganisms, fell upon Earth. This marked the onset of an epoch of remarkable change, affecting every lifeform on the planet."

"The Earth itself didn't remain unaffected. In response to this foreign invasion, the planet expanded and evolved. While not quite the size of Jupiter, our planet still underwent a monumental transformation," Jupiter added, the gravity of his words echoed in the silence of the room.

There was a raw authenticity in Jupiter's voice, a sense of personal connection to the history, that made the tale feel fresh.

"Our family's progenitor, the original Jupiter, was one of the affected," Jupiter continued.

"He was a man of immense strength, akin to the mighty planet our lineage is named after. His unique ability to manipulate lightning is a legacy etched into our DNA, a legacy you've now begun to unlock."

"Children, who were once as land-bound as you and I, developed the uncanny ability to breathe underwater and control the element." Jupiter continued, his eyes shimmering with the magic of the transformation he described.

"And that was just the start. Infants emerged unscathed from devastating fires - fires that should have claimed their lives, left them untouched. They were reborn, quite literally, from the ashes," Jupiter's voice held a tone of awe, despite the familiarity of the narrative.

"But the changes didn't stop at physical attributes. Some found themselves privy to the innermost thoughts of others, their minds transforming into open books. It was...chaotic, to say the least," Jupiter finished, a soft chuckle escaping his lips. He watched David's reactions closely, his son completely absorbed in the stories, despite already knowing them.

Jupiter leaned back in his chair, folding his hands together as he finished his tales of evolution and transformation. He cast a steady gaze on his son, the room around them echoing with the stories he had just told.

"And so, society was reborn, David. Much like those infants from the fires, we emerged anew, stronger and more versatile," he stated, the finality in his tone indicating the end of his narrative. His gaze intensified as he continued, "Our family, the Jupiters, were one of the Origin families in this newly reborn society. We carry great power and an even greater reputation to uphold."

The conversation eventually circled back to their family motto, a symbol of their lineage and duty.

"You are a Jupiter, surrounded by many moons," Jupiter said, locking eyes with David. The solemnity of his gaze underscored the weight of their family's legacy.

"Remember that, David."

Before David could reply, Jupiter continued, "I've noticed you've awakened your abilities, which is commendable. However, when you reach the age of eighteen, you'll experience a second phase of growth. This is akin to a second puberty, a period that will considerably enhance your strength, marking you as a true inheritor of our ancestor's might."

The silence in the room was deafening as Jupiter added, a hint of emotion entering his voice, "You know, son, there was a time when I doubted... when I wondered if you might not awaken to your potential. But now, witnessing your growth, it's time you knew the reality of our legacy."

In his mind, David acknowledged his father's words. He knew this, but he allowed Jupiter to speak, cherishing the bonding moment.

"And …perhaps you'll be a late bloomer, but we can delve deeper into this in the future," Jupiter concluded, a hopeful glint in his eyes. The conversation ended, leaving behind a lingering sense of pride in David and anticipation for what was yet to come.


A heated debate was ensuing, voices rose and echoed through the halls back at Elite Future Academy. One of them belonged to Ironsaw, Jakes mentor Ironsaw.

Ironsaw stands at an imposing eight feet tall, with broad, powerful shoulders and a solid build that radiates strength and endurance. His skin is of a slightly unusual shade, almost metallic in hue, a testament to his superpower of manipulating his body into various forms of weaponry. His short, spiky hair is jet black, matching his dark, piercing eyes that seem to see right through you.

He's usually dressed in a form-fitting suit that showcases his muscular physique, the material appearing as though it's a second skin, laced with intricate patterns that hint at his internal skeletal structures. His most prominent feature, however, is the array of razor-sharp bone-like protrusions that can emerge from his body at will, transforming into blades, shields or any form of weaponry he desires. They serve as a constant reminder of his power and the fact that he is a force to be reckoned with.

"This is simply unacceptable, Ijax! Jake was humiliated, his eardrums ruptured!"

Principal Ijax maintained a calm facade.

"This is an unfortunate event, Ironsaw, but let's remember that this is a learning experience for Jake. He's training to become a hero; he'll face worse."

"That doesn't justify what happened! Jake is traumatized!"

"Overcoming trauma is part of becoming a hero, Ironsaw. It makes us stronger, more resilient."

"Could he be using the Genesis Elixir?" Ironsaw questioned, his tone brimming with accusation. "This sudden surge of power... it's not natural."

"We will look into it," Principal Ijax replied with measured calmness. "If David is indeed involved with such substances, he will face appropriate consequences. However, we can't jump to conclusions based on speculation."

Ironsaw seemed unconvinced but finally backed down, and the meeting room gradually emptied. Principal Ijax was left alone, slumping in his chair, massaging his temples.

"If David isn't using drugs, then I've just saddled him with a mentor who's likely to squander his potential," Ijax muttered to himself, with a tinge of regret rubbing his temples.