Chapter 28: Paradise Lost (3)

"So, are we going to have a plan?" David asked Billy as they continued to monitor the suspicious building.

"What plan? I say we just walk in," Billy replied nonchalantly.

"But these are low-level criminals, anything can happen," David pointed out, a tinge of apprehension creeping into his voice.

"The strongest guy they have, Bone, is currently tied in with that mage villain group, the Saber Sisters, and is playing their puppet. I think we can handle this," Billy reassured him.

"So we just walk in?"

"Exactly," Billy said, striding towards the building's entrance.

A burly figure with the head of a Bulldog blocked their path, gruffly demanding, "Password?"

"Your mom's a big, fat, stinking cow," Billy responded cheekily.

As David caught up with Billy and passed the Bulldog-headed guard, the guard's eyes widened. "Hey, you're not with the gang!" he objected, lunging towards them. David quickly reacted, releasing a quick jolt of electricity that rendered the guard unconscious in an instant.

David viewed the dog mans status menue.


Status Window


Name: Bulldog

Title: Dog Pound Member

Level: 10

- Strength: Peak Human (19)

- Agility: Low Human (5)

- Endurance: Low Human (5)

- Intelligence: 1

- Superpower: N/A


The two girls draped over Buster, barely clothed and heavily made up, barely stirred as he spoke. Their glassy eyes spoke volumes about their current state of consciousness.

Across the room, a motley crew of more Bestiamorphs were engaged in a boisterous game of cards. The large, gruff one with a Pitbulls head apparently named Bruiser grumbled something unintelligible in response to Buster's call.

"What's the matter, Buster? Your mutts not well-trained enough to handle some visitors?" Billy quipped, flashing a disarming grin. David, meanwhile, kept his expression neutral, his eyes coolly assessing the room.

The dog-headed men might have been weak according to their status menu, but he wasn't about to underestimate anyone. Not in this city. Not in this line of work.

Buster finally regained his composure, shaking the two girls off and rising to his feet. His face held an unmistakable sneer as he stared down Billy and David. "Who let you in here?" he demanded. "This ain't no petting zoo."

"I think you'll find," Billy retorted, "that we're not here to play nice with the puppies." He leveled a pointed gaze at Buster, and the message was clear this was no social call. The room tensed in response, the boisterous chatter dying down as all eyes turned to the intruders.

David, for his part, stood silently by Billy's side, ready for whatever came next.

He wasn't entirely sure what Billy's plan was, but he trusted the older man. And if things did go south... well, he was more than ready to let his fists do the talking.

One of the dog-faced men squinted, recognition dawning in his eyes. "Oi, guys, that's Trainwreck!" he barked, gesturing wildly at Billy. "He's like the bottom-tier hero from Omega 6!"

The room erupted into a chorus of jeering laughter, a collective snarl of derision aimed squarely at Billy.

"Hey, Trainwreck," another man taunted, his canine features twisted into a sneer. "Why don't you turn tail and run? There's enough of us here to take you and the kid down, you know?"

The sneering Bestiamorph turned to David, grinning from ear to ear. "And you, kid," he said, "You really think this loser's got something to teach you? Go home, drink some milk or something. You're out of your depth with the big dogs."

Billy, for his part, remained unfazed by the taunts. He simply smiled, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Oh, boys," he said, "You're underestimating the old dog here."

With a fluid motion, Billy pulled out a pair of shock batons from his leather jacket. The batons crackled with energy, casting an eerie blue light on his hardened face.

"Oh, so you wanna get the treatment, huh?" Buster spat, standing up from his couch with a wicked grin. He pointed at Billy and David. "Alright, boys, you heard the man. Get 'em!"

With that command, the room exploded into action. The Dog Pound gang members surged forward, snarling and baring their fangs. But Billy was ready, his shock batons humming with anticipation. He grinned, a challenging glint in his eyes. This was going to be fun.

With a sudden chilling twist, Buster added, pointing at David with a malevolent grin, "And let's turn his sidekick into one of us. I've always wanted a new pup to train."

The gang members laughed at this, their eyes taking on a new kind of cruelty as they all turned their attention towards David. His heart pounded in his chest, but he held his ground, meeting their gazes with a defiant stare. They would soon find out he was far from an easy target.


Status Window


Name: Buster

Title: Temporary Leader of Dog Pound

Level: 30

Strength: Superhuman (35)

Endurance: Superhuman (35)

Agility: Superhuman (35)

Intellect: Low Human (8)

Super Powers:

- Bestiamorph Transformation (Unique): Allows transformation into a high-powered canine form, capable of enhanced senses and physical capabilities doubling stats.

Skills: Street Fighting, Drug Dealing, Canine Instincts


As the updated status window disappeared, David found himself examining Buster with a more critical eye. His opponent was stronger than he initially thought, but David was prepared for a challenge.