Chapter 36: The Examination

David's heart was still racing as the cruiser approached the Jupiter Family's floating villa. The sleek and expansive structure, suspended above the city by advanced anti-gravity technology, seemed to symbolize the power and prestige of the Jupiter family. Its glimmering exterior caught the rays of the setting sun, casting a warm glow that contrasted sharply with the cold, calculating thoughts running through David's mind.

As he looked out of the window, his eyes caught a sudden notification from the system:

[Calculating Reward for Avoiding your Destined Death!]

[Calculating Rewards for changing Ijax's destined Death…]

David's eyes were glued to the screen, the system having been silent all this time.

[1 Integration Token Obtained!]

[Integration token allows for the Author to permanently integrate one skill copied permanently into the body]

David's mind raced, and he quickly asked the system, "How do I upgrade Author Authority?"

[Grow Stronger and make your own legend]

"Hey system, why did I get brought into this world? What's my purpose here?"

"How do I l get more integration Points system?"

"Hey system? Are you listening?"

the system didn't respond, leaving David in silence. He screamed in frustration several times, but no answer came.

As David's cruiser landed upon the Jupiter Family's floating villa, he could hardly contain the excitement pulsing through him. The Integration Token he had just received was burning a hole in his pocket, metaphorically speaking. He knew that he had to use it immediately.

Standing outside the villa, with the futuristic skyline of Fairhaven surrounding him, he summoned the system interface.

"System, I want to use the Integration Token on Adaption," he declared, his voice filled with resolve.

The system responded:

[Processing Integration of Adaption Skill]

[Skill Integration Successful! Adaption Skill has been permanently integrated into your body]


Status Window


Name: David Jupiter

Title: Jupiter Heir

Level: 59

Strength: Superhuman (69)

Endurance: Superhuman (54)

Agility: Superhuman (54)

Intellect: Superhuman (69)

Super Powers:

- Author Authority (Ex-lv.2)

- Electromagnetism (Ultimate lv.1)

- Danger Sense (Common) (Mantled)

- Adaption (Unique)

Character Mantle Slots: 1 Unique slot available.


Davids stats had improved all around after his fight with Shadow.

But now a sudden surge of energy coursed through David's veins, as the Adaption Skill fused with his very essence. He could feel it deep within him, a part of him now, ready to adapt to whatever challenges lay ahead.


A month flew by in the blink of an eye.

During this time, David had successfully transferred into the Early Development Program that would allow him to become an underaged field hero. It was a transition filled with rigorous training and endless determination, but David was up to the task.

But not all was well in Fairhaven. The tragic incident at the academy had sent shockwaves through the city. The parents of the elite future, outraged by the deaths of their children, protested in the streets, demanding justice. They wanted the government to be held accountable, to answer for what had happened.

Yet, many of the parents had signed waivers before their children entered the school, in case an incident like Shadows happened. The school held no accountability, leaving the families in a state of grief and anger.

The situation was a tragic one, a dark stain on the shining city of Fairhaven. It was a reminder of the fine line that heroes walked, of the dangers that lurked in the shadows. And for David, it was a motivation to grow stronger, to become the hero that could face those challenges and emerge victorious.

Today was the day, a day that had been etched in David's mind ever since he set out on this path. The anticipation weighed heavily in the air as he entered the towering corporate highrise of Omega 6 in Fairhaven. It was a monument to heroism, filled with the echoes of legends and the promises of greatness. The very walls seemed to pulse with energy, as if urging him on, encouraging him to take those final steps towards destiny.

As David approached the front desk, he passed his ID card to the attendant, a stern-faced woman with piercing eyes. Her gaze fell on the card, then on David, her eyebrows knitting in confusion.

"You're too young," she said flatly, her voice devoid of warmth. "You should go back to school for two years."

David's heart skipped a beat, but he quickly recovered. "I've already been processed. I'm a part of the Early Development Program," he replied, his voice steady.

The attendant's eyes widened. "No one's been a part of that 'Bobby' program in years," she scoffed.

David's hand reached into his pocket, pulling out a sealed letter. "I have a letter of recommendation," he said, his voice carrying a hint of impatience.

"You know if you get caught falsifying important records," she began, only to be interrupted by David.

"I know, it's a minimum of 5 years in the judicial system prison," he finished, his eyes meeting hers.

They locked eyes for what felt like an eternity, a silent battle of wills taking place. Finally, the attendant relented, leading him into the examination room.

The room was breathtaking in its sheer size, an expansive all-white space that could easily hold a hundred people. The walls were a pristine, glossy white, reflecting the bright overhead lights that cast a clinical glow over the room. The floor was marked with various lines and circles, indicating different testing areas, while high-tech equipment was neatly arranged along one side.

In the corner of the room, a series of monitors displayed various data and images, ready to capture every aspect of the examination. The air was filled with a sense of expectation, a silent demand for excellence that seemed to resonate in the very core of David's being.

Above, there seemed to be a window where multiple personnel and outside observers could view, but it was one-way, and David couldn't see what was on the other side

This was it, the moment he had been waiting for, the final test that would determine his future as a hero. Every step he had taken had led him to this place, and now it was time to prove himself, to show that he had what it took to stand among the legends.

David strode into the expansive white room, feeling a mixture of anticipation and curiosity. The space was large and sterile, equipped with monitors and tools for the examination.

The one thing on his mind during this interview was clear: the way Omega 6 knew they were hiring the right heroes was to go through mind readers to determine their loyalty and ties to them.

It was a test, a necessary probe into the very fabric of one's thoughts and allegiances, and it was a barrier he had to cross. The question running through David's mind was unsettling. What if this mind reader discovered his unique memories and status as their creator? Would he be considered delusional, or would his secret be exposed? The uncertainty weighed on him as he prepared to face the examination.

In its center sat the interviewer, a lanky man dressed in clean white suit.

David was quick to pull up the mans status menu.


Status Window


Name: Duffy Adams

Hero Name: Cerebral Gazer

Level: 65

Strength: Average (5)

Endurance: Average (6)

Agility: Average (10)

Intellect: Superhuman (80)

Super Powers:

- Mind Reading (Unique)

- Memory Analysis (Rare)

- Telepathy (Common)

The Mind Reader's gaze shifted from David to the status window, his face betraying a hint of surprise and intrigue. But then his expression quickly shifted to a frown as if he was searching for something deeper, something hidden. David's heart pounded in his chest as he wondered if the man was reading his memories or thoughts. But no revelation came, just a silent, probing examination.

David's thoughts raced: was his mind truly being read? Could this man see his deepest secrets, the origin of his Author Authority, the truth of his rewritten fate? But the man seemed more confused than enlightened. The room's tension grew palpable, neither party willing to break the silence. It was a game of mental chess, and David knew that he must not falter.

Breaking the silence that had enveloped the room, Duffy, the man known as Cerebral Gazer, spoke with a voice that seemed to penetrate the very essence of David's being.

"Let me into your mind," he said, his eyes boring into David's. "You shouldn't have any mental barriers up. This is part of the process."

"I'm trying," David responded, his voice filled with sincerity.

Duffy's expression turned to one of suspicion. "What did you do, some sands of time martial arts training and don't want your memories read?" he questioned.

"No," David replied, shaking his head.

"David, I can break down those memory barriers. Just what are you hiding?" Duffy pressed, his tone becoming more stern.

David looked him straight in the eye, his resolve unshaken.

"Trust me, I'm not struggling right now. You can read my mind. I'm not hiding anything." His voice was firm.

However the question of what lay behind those barriers lingered in the air like a haunting melody, threatening to unravel the mystery at the core of David's existence.

The scene shifted from tense anticipation to sheer terror in an instant. Duffy's face contorted in pain and fear, his eyes bulging as if he'd stumbled into a realm he was never meant to see. The straining became more intense, his entire body trembling as if he were physically wrestling with an unseen force.

David could only watch in horror as Duffy's screams reached a fevered pitch.

"Oh God, oh God, what is that? What is that thing?" he shrieked, an agonized wail that seemed to fill the room.

Suddenly, Duffy's body went rigid, his eyes rolled back, and he fell out of his chair, convulsing violently on the floor. The terror in his voice, the desperation in his eyes, and the uncontrollable spasms painted a nightmarish scene that would be etched in David's mind forever.

Foam bubbled at his lips, his limbs flailing wildly as if possessed by some demonic force. The room was filled with the sounds of his torment, a chilling symphony that seemed to echo in the very core of David's being

The door burst open as multiple armed personnel entered the room, guns pointed at David. The lead personnel barked out at him, "These are Arcanian Bullets, stop your attack at once!"

Another soldier, voice trembling with urgency, added, "Stop the mental attack at once! On the ground, don't resist."

A third soldier, aiming directly at David's head, shouted, "Put your hands behind your head! Don't move, or we'll shoot!"

David's heart pounded in his chest, the room filled with tension, the guns aimed at him with lethal precision. Commands were coming from every direction, and the situation had spiraled out of control. He knew that his every move would now be scrutinized and judged, and he had to act carefully to survive.