Chapter 48: Comparing Strenghts

Enryu's lightheartedness faded, replaced by a more intense gaze. "So, you're aware that the war is about to begin?"

David nodded solemnly. "Yeah, I'm aware."

Enryu took a moment, his gaze drifting away before returning.

"There's much I want to ask, especially about... my lineage. But right now, Omega 6 needs to find Overlord I know where he's hiding. If he's captured it would prevent a lot of problems in the future."

David felt the weight of the statement but nodded in agreement. The unfolding events would shape the fate of many.

Breaking the heavy silence, Enryu offered a slight smirk. "How about a spar? It's been a while since we've gauged each other's strengths, and I can sense you're not the same as before."

David's eyes glinted with interest. Without responding verbally, he mentally accessed the system and pulled up Enryu's status menu, scanning through the detailed stats and skills listed.

The knowledge he held as the 'author' was vast, but directly viewing the stats provided a clearer insight.

Status Window


Name: Enryu

Title: Dimensional Terror, Top of the World, Regresser

Level: 66

Strength: Superhuman (95)

Endurance: Superhuman (85)

Agility: SuperHuman (83)

Intellect: Superhuman (85)

Physiology: Nephalem (Sealed)

Super Powers:

- Demonic Black Ice Manipulation (Mythical)

- Adaption (Unique)

- Primal Instinct (Unique)


David's eyes widened, almost popping out of his sockets as he caught the details of Enryu's new powers. "You've awakened your black ice manipulation?!" He exclaimed, clearly astonished.

A slight smirk curved at the corner of Enryu's lips, hinting at the pride he felt. "You could say that," he replied with a teasing glint in his eyes.

"I can see you've been hunting demons to stimulate your bloodline," David remarked with a knowing glance.

Enryu's eyes flickered with surprise. "How did you know that?"

David's gaze turned sharp, "When you mentioned sparring, for a split second, your eyes turned into blue demonic slits. A hint of your new power, perhaps?"

For a moment, Enryu's face held an unreadable expression, then he chuckled. "Always observant, aren't you, David?"

David decided not to disclose everything just yet. Keeping his author authority and system abilities a secret for now seemed the best course of action. "Let's fight," he challenged, crackling with energy.

Electricity danced around David as he conjured Jupiter's Lightning Mantle. The raw, pure power of electromagnetism burst forth, enveloping him in a cloak of electricity. His speed and reflexes, already formidable, were enhanced multifold.

In response, Enryu didn't hold back. The atmosphere around them dropped sharply in temperature. A dark, almost ethereal black ice began to form around Enryu, crafting a detailed and impressive armor. The air became thick with frost, each breath visible, as the ground below began to frost over.

The once tranquil setting transformed into an arena of intense cold and electric sparks. The stark contrast between David's electrified aura and Enryu's chilling black ice set an electrifying ambiance.

David lunged first, darting towards Enryu at breakneck speed, leaving a trail of electric sparks in his wake. Enryu responded by raising an ice barrier, but David's enhanced speed allowed him to circle around it and launch a bolt of electricity. The bolt hit Enryu's armor, sending a cascade of icy shards in all directions.

Enryu retaliated by sending sharp black ice projectiles. David deftly dodged, using his electromagnetism to repel some of the projectiles. The two danced around each other, a deadly ballet of ice and lightning, each trying to find an opening in the other's defenses.

Every clash, every dodge, and every strike was a testament to their enhanced abilities. The raw power on display was breathtaking, with the ground scorched by electricity and littered with shards of black ice.

Enryu's voice echoed across the field, "Stop holding back! I want to fight you at full power."

David hesitated for a moment, his eyes displaying a hint of apprehension. "I've just started to grasp this ability, and to be honest, its raw power scares even me. But alright."

Taking a deep breath, David centered himself, shifting into a state of clear mind and deep concentration. Qi flowed through him, a surge of energy connecting his upper, middle, and lower dantians. This was the core of martial arts – the three energy centers of the body. The Qi in David's upper dantian fueled his mental clarity, the middle powered his internal organs and vitality, while the lower dantian offered the raw strength and power of his physical movements.

Using the Wave Fist Technique, a ripple of Qi enveloped David's arms, resembling surging waves of pure force. With one swift, powerful move, David threw a punch towards Enryu.

Enryu barely managed to dodge, his reflexes saving him just in time. The sheer force from David's punch caused a violent shockwave that ripped through the air, parting the clouds above. The aftermath of the strike was a torrent of crackling electricity and the sharp smell of ozone, rendering the atmosphere dense with tension.

The chilling cold emanating from Enryu intensified, becoming almost visible. Drawing a deep breath, Enryu whispered, "Ice Emperor." In a blink of an eye, both combatants disappeared from the rooftop, their figures reappearing in a vast training field.

Their moves were precise, each strike containing years of training and mastery. Enryu utilized the Omega 6 Martial Arts techniques, movements reminiscent of kickboxing but infused with a grace and power unique to this world. Every kick, every punch, every dodge was a dance of force and finesse.

David continued to use his Qi, his techniques rooted in ancient martial arts principles. His strikes focused on the harmonization of body and spirit, achieving balance even in combat. The waves of Qi around his arms added power to each punch, forcing Enryu to use his Ice Emperor form to harden his defense.

As the battle raged on, it became clear that while David was rooted in the traditions of martial arts, with techniques focusing on Qi and harmony, Enryu's style was more modern, explosive, and dynamic. It was a thrilling juxtaposition of old and new, tradition and innovation.

Enryu's strikes were sharp and powerful, with every kick aimed at breaking David's defense. But David's mastery over Qi allowed him to predict and counter most of Enryu's moves, their energies clashing with each blow.

The two fighters moved in harmony, their movements synchronizing perfectly. Enryu channeled his black ice through his limbs, adding an icy sting to each of his attacks. In contrast, David's Qi-enhanced punches carried both force and the potential for internal damage.

After what seemed like hours, the two warriors stood facing each other, panting heavily, their clothes tattered from the intense battle. Both bore bruises and cuts, testaments to the fierceness of their duel.

"Let's stop," David finally said, his voice hoarse, yet carrying a note of respect.

Enryu nodded, wiping the sweat from his brow. "Agreed. The academy might think we're under attack if we continue."

Supra, with his trademark speed, appeared in a flash, clutching a bath towel around himself, his eyes wide with disbelief and drowsiness. "Just what the hell is going on?" he asked, rubbing his eyes as if hoping the destruction before him would vanish when he looked again.

David smirked, a hint of playfulness in his eyes.

"Long time no see, combat teacher."

Supra glared at him, albeit more in mock exasperation than real anger.

"It's 3:00 in the morning! You made me think the academy was under attack. Those Arcanians are pulling the ground up searching for Overlord. And now that you're a hero, the least you could do is let the academy know when your esteemed self decides to pay a visit."

David chuckled, raising his hands defensively. "Sorry about that, I genuinely didn't intend for all of this to happen."

"No worries," Supra sighed, running a hand through his wet hair, likely fresh out of the shower.

"I'll call Logos over. She'll have this patch of earth fixed up in no time with her nature powers."

David nodded in gratitude. Before they could continue their conversation, Supra continued.

"By the way, I heard about your exploits, Nox. Truly commendable. You've proven the doubters wrong. You're a Jupiter alright."

And with those final words, Supra vanished in a blur of motion, leaving David standing amidst the damaged training grounds, contemplating the whirlwind of events that had unfolded.