Right now, you're well able to pay for your own needs, but not everyone you know is in that position. Some of your less stable family members turn to you for help when their contract work dries up unexpectedly, when a boiler breaks in their house or their car suddenly needs repair. It's stressful being your family's bank, feeling that sinking feeling when relatives call because there's a good chance they're calling for financial help. It warps everything. On the other hand, if you're the difference between them and financial disaster, of course you're not going to say no.
But if you were making a lot more money, at least you'd be able to help float them without having to worry about your own situation much.
If you were doing really really well, you could even put together a trust fund…but that's probably always going to be out of your reach. It's only spending so much time with rich people that makes you think of things like that.
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