Chapter 19: Sports Festival Part One

(Ochaco POV)

"I'm going to win this!! Watch out Deku-kun, I'm going to win." I could tell that I was freaking some of my classmates out. I didn't usually show my competitive side to anyone but Inari. That sly fox always beat me at everything.

"Midoriya, All Might has his eye on you so consider this a declaration of war. I am going to beat you." Todoroki glared coldly at Deku-kun. He isn't even paying attention to the rest of us. I'm going to beat the fire out of him if we fight later.

Bakugo just looked offended that he wasn't being challenged and screamed in frustration.

"T-t-Todoroki-kun, it won't just be me who is giving it their all, you should consider the hard work the whole class has put into winning the competition." That's right Deku-kun, give it to him. I pumped my fists excitedly.

The class funneled out to the field. I'm so excited and everyone seemed to just palpitate the same.

"Welcome to the First-year sports festival, before we begin, we will start with the new student Address, and for that, we welcome Uraraka Ochaco!!" Midnight yelled into the mic.

'Eh' I froze before I was pushed, and the momentum just carried me forward. Nobody told me I would be doing this. I looked towards the teacher's booth with panic in my eyes and there was Inari giving me a smirk. She knew. And said nothing. Alright, two can play that game.

"I'm here to catch up with my best friend, who is Japan's youngest hero. You may have seen her on the streets recently, the fox lady with tons of tails. I'm here today to prove that you will all be safe when we grow up and I know that everyone here feels the same way. So, we will do our best. Plus Ultra." The crowd cheered in unison along with me and I quickly jumped down to be with everyone else.

"What a wonderful speech. What fiery passion. With that let's get into the first event. It's gonna be a… OBSTACLE COURSE!!" Midnight cheered. "Students please get into position. I leave the commentating to you, my fellow heroes.





As soon as the buzzer rang to start, we were off to the races. Ice shot across the ground. I jumped at the sound of the cracking barely avoiding getting trapped.

"The first obstacle is the other students, look at them stuck like a can of sardines." Present Mic's practiced voice rang out to the crowd.

I rushed through by nullifying my own gravity. I could only do this for a little while or I'd get sick, but I could get over the students.

Todoroki and Deku-kun were ahead of me with Bakugo close on their tails. Deku-kun had green lightning flowing around his body and wasn't breaking his bones. This was a new development that I obviously missed.

Giant robots were the next obstacle and I got by before they toppled on everyone but only barely. I would have to think smarter. Once the Robots came down, I took some of the broken metal and pulled out a long wire making both of them weightless. I tied the wire around the metal and then myself quickly. I only had one chance at this, I had to aim correctly.

I once again removed my gravity and threw the metal as hard as I could while making sure I expelled the opposite force into the fallen foot of the robot and just like I planned the metal shot forward pulling me along like I was on a spacewalk. I quickly caught up to the lead back before I felt my stomach turn. The thrown metal had taken me across both the massive chasm that UA probably spent way too much time and money on and halfway through the minefield.


I rushed across the minefield making sure not to step on any mines and finished the race, "In Second we have Bakugo Katsuki. Third, we have Todoroki Shoto, and fourth we have our speech giver, Uraraka Ochaco. What a good showing from the top four.

I was a little disappointed in myself for not taking a better place, but I knew my time to shine would come. I looked towards the teacher's booth again and Inari was giving me a big smile. A genuine one this time. I would do better next round.

"And 42 Racers have finished. That concludes the end of the race. Let's give a round of applause to all our participants."

Midnight took the mic once again, "Our Next event is a… CAVALRY RACE. Students will team up, with a max of 4 students per team, and a minimum of two."

"Each Student will have a number representing what place they got in the last race, the higher you placed, the higher the number of points, You win by having more points than other groups by stealing their headbands. The Sole exception will be our first-place students who will have a headband with… ONE MILLION POINTS. That's right, whoever has the massive headband gets a fastpass to first place for this event.

Midoriya looked shaken and all eyes turned towards him with a hunger for points. This was my chance.

I rushed over to the resident head of cabbage. "Deku-kun, Wanna team up?" Who better do an event like this than your best friends? I looked around for Iida to join us as well, but it seems that he chose another group.

"Uraraka-san, s-sure, you would be a big help." Now we just needed two more teammates.

"HEY, FIRST PLACE. Pick me." A very boisterous pink-haired girl rushed over toward us. "I've got the best babies."

Both Deku-kun and I went red. "You didn't bring real babies here, right?"

"Yes, I did, here take a look." She turned around and, on her back, was a jetpack. "I made this baby." We both facepalmed.

"You can join us if you'd like, I'm sure your babies would be really useful." Once he got over his near panic attack about actual babies, he regained his calm.

Deku-kun looked around and waved giving Tokoyami a signal to come over. He joined us without much question and now we had our team.


A/N: I feel like my writing quality is slipping a little bit. This is probably one of my least favorite arcs that is in MHA. It just seemed to go on for a long time. Like I said last time, It'll likely be just 3 chapters but I hope the quality isn't awful. Work is going to be a long day tomorrow so I'll try to get the chapter as early as I can to you but it will likely be as late as this one was.