In Search of Legends: Lord Kai's Epic Tale with the Princess

As Lord Kai and the princess discovered the clue they needed, the princess's memory was triggered, and she recalled her late mother giving her the Sand of Time. Her mother had advised her to keep it safe within the third famous pyramid of the Giza plateau, specifically the pyramid of Menkaure. Without delay, Lord Kai and the princess set forth for the Giza plateau, eager to retrieve the Sand of Time.

Upon reaching the plateau, they encountered a distressing sight - numerous people, possessed by dark magic, were relentlessly trying to obtain the Sand of Time. A fierce battle ensued as Lord Kai and the princess confronted these living demons, ultimately defeating them. However, in the midst of the fight, the walls of the pyramid suddenly closed, leaving them trapped inside.

Undeterred, the determined pair began to explore the labyrinthine pyramid, searching for clues about the Sand of Time and a possible escape route. After an arduous quest, they finally uncovered a revelation - the Sand of Time was concealed within the mouth of a Pharaoh statue.

With great care, Lord Kai retrieved the ancient hourglass containing the precious Sand of Time from the statue's mouth. Yet, their joyous moment turned tense as the pyramid began to crumble around them. Thinking quickly, Lord Kai seized the princess and utilized his teleporting magic, whisking them away from the collapsing pyramid, back to the safety of the wilderness.

Relieved to have secured the Sand of Time, they continued on their journey. Eager to uncover the next item, the princess inquired about the location of the Golden-Wings Dragon. To her surprise, Lord Kai revealed that they needed to travel to Hong Kong, China, his hometown. A smile adorned his face as they ventured forth towards this new destination, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them.