Convergence of Elements: The Awakening Sword of Fei

Lord Kai, weakened by his encounter with his twin shadow, managed to make his way back to Hong Kong, China. Along the journey, they bid farewell to the little monk who gifted them with the final element they sought - the bone harp. The princess and Lord Kai were amazed at the sight of the treasured artifact and expressed their heartfelt gratitude to the little monk.

Back in Hong Kong, the princess tended to Lord Kai's injuries with her magical essence, and days passed as he gradually regained his strength. With the princess by his side, Lord Kai went to an open space where he once learned sorcery from his faceless master. Here, they gathered all three elements - the golden dagger, the golden-wings dragon glutton, and the bone harp - combining their powers with the yin and yang, culminating in a passionate kiss between them.

An extraordinary reaction unfolded as all the gathered earth elements in the open space started to converge and take shape. Rocks, stones, weeds, sticks, trees, and plants intertwined and transformed into something mystical and magnificent. Before their eyes stood The Awakening Sword of Fei, a legendary weapon of immense power. Lord Kai rushed to grasp it, finally obtaining the key to fulfilling his mission.

As Lord Kai tightly grasped the sword, an electric current of power surged through his veins, invigorating his entire being and amplifying his strength. The princess couldn't contain her joy as she witnessed the transformation. With the newfound power coursing through him, Lord Kai made the decision to remain in the open space, fully immersing himself in practicing his magic and honing his skills with the sword. He suggested to the princess that she should return to Hong Kong, but she steadfastly refused, choosing to stay by his side, providing unwavering support and encouragement during his training. Together at the nearby spring they reveled in each other's company, sharing romantic moments in the sparkling waters and enjoying every blissful second until the final day of Lord Kai's arduous practice.