Ch 40

Will was not the only one who noticed the change in Katie's appearance as she went in and sat down. She had tried to hide herself the best that she could but there was really nothing that she could do now that she was sitting at the table. She knew that she should have changed her clothes, but she barely had time to straighten her hair back up. She knew that they would not have made it back in time if she had changed her clothes when she was doing her hair.

Katie made sure that she didn't look anyone directly in the face as she sat there.

The captain had noticed that Katie was now looking different from the other two and he noticed that she was looking older and sexier, but his mind kept drifting back to Snow and the way that she looked lying on the cot. When he caught a good smell of the food, he couldn't help but have all his attention on the beautiful plate of food that was sitting in front of him.

Snow looked Katie over very carefully and noticed everything and could tell by her looks that she had not been in the Galley the whole time. The first thing that told her was the fact that she was so flushed and the fact that she was trying hard not to look at her. The second thing was the fact that she didn't even have a spot on her clothing from cooking. It was not like the girls were messy by any means. It was that there was always a sign or a spot here, or there that gave it away. That they were around cooking even if it was just from the powders that they were using. That would gather in their hair or on their clothes.

Snow noticed that Katie was the only one who had changed her clothes, and even though she had worked on her hair. Snow could tell that her hairstyle had changed and then was hastily put back into something that was not her first hairstyle, but it was close. As she looked at the outfit that Katie had on, she recognized it as something that the girls wore but there were changes made to it that made it look shorter and her breasts were looking a lot bigger. Snow didn't know if she had stuffed her bra to give her more cleavage, but it was definitely showing that she was getting older and everyone was going to notice her now. The other thing that Snow noticed was that Katie's clothes were very wrinkled indicating that she had them off and it looked as if she had to guess they were laid on when they were off pressing in the wrinkles.

Snow thought oh to be young, but she was going to have to have a chat with her about it. To make sure that she was being careful. Knowing that a young girl is in love is not the most careful thing.

With a smile on her face, she gave a nod to the captain to look at her to prove her point that having the girls on board the ship was going to be a problem. The captain caught her signal and took a close look at Katie and noticed that she was looking older than before. He still thought that since they were not out to sea all that long it should not be that big of a problem.

Will had kept an eye on them both and could tell that the two of them had settled whatever differences they had with each other. Snow looked even more confident than before. If that was even possible. So, whatever they had come up with, it looked like Snow got more of her say than the captain did. Will knew that if he was the one that would have been against her he would just have thrown up his hands right away knowing that her feminine charms would have taken him down too easily.

Will looked at the captain and watched as he did his best to try and look away from Snow, but then before he knew it he found himself watching her again. Will had to smile as he noticed that at least it had slowed down his eating. Will did feel a little guilty having Snow in the captain's office but not that bad he could think of a lot of things that were worse than being in a room with a beautiful woman who was practically nude if she stayed that way. Will saw the motion from Snow to look at Katie and he looked closer at her too and saw her looking even older than he first thought.

That was not to say that she was looking fully grown. She still had traits that she was still a girl, but Will could tell that she was doing her best to hide them. Gina noticed that the room had gone silent, and everyone was looking at Katie. She knew that it was going to be better for them all if she could get everyone's attention away from Katie. Gina said, "I think that Tug did a great job with our help."

Everyone instantly turned toward Gina and the captain said, "You have done an excellent job once again, in fact, I do think that it is his and your best work ever." Then he nodded to Snow to point out they were making him even better. But that was kind of proving her point as well. Filmore still took that part as a win.

Gina smiled nervously, she didn't know what was making this meal feel so intense, but she figured that it had to have something to do with Katie, and the way that she had looked. Mia was very content, no one was looking at her for any reason and the food was great.

Snow looked at the three of them and could tell that they had not minded. At least not completely, and she was going to have to talk to them about it. There was one thing that showed that she was right that they were going to be a handful taking care of them. It was obvious that Katie was the culprit in all of it just by the way that she was acting. Snow looked over at the other two and could tell that they were feeling guilty as well. Snow decided that she was going to wait till after lunch was over to find out just what happened.

Katie made sure that her eyes were on her plate the whole time. She figured that they would be looking at her and if she met their gaze then they might say something to her that she would have to explain what happened earlier. As Katie sat there in her own little world. Her mind drifted back to Jake holding her tightly as they kissed. Katie had planned just to make out with him a little to see if he was bringing back all the old feelings that she had for him.

Things changed quickly for Katie as she looked into his eyes, and he took her into his arms. She found herself helpless in his hands. She thought that she wanted to just keep it simple and just light kissing but was blown away as soon as he had her in his arms, and that was in the galley. Once he took her to the hiding place that he had made with it being so private. She felt his hands on her, she knew that she wanted him to touch her all over again.

Katie blushed as she thought about it and in her mind, she could still feel him running his hand all over her body. When he had first started undressing her as they kissed, she had tried to stop him by taking ahold of his hand, but when he lifted her hands over her head and held them there as he kissed her lips.

It melted all of her resistance as he slid his hand between her legs and started rubbing. At that point, she wanted to be nude and held helplessly by him. She wanted just to feel everything again and again. At first, as he pulled on her skirt, he pulled too hard, and she started to hear it rip. Katie would have screamed but he had her mouth trapped by his own the sound that she was able to make eased him up and instead of ripping her skirt off he only ripped it a little and slipped it off of her instead.

Gina saw Katie's face go flush and it looked like she was no longer eating, she was just sitting there with her eyes closed breathing heavily. At first, Gina didn't want to say anything knowing that it would bring the attention of everyone back to Katie. Gina watched as Katie sat there and she thought that she was seeing her moving a little as if she was rubbing on something. Gina thought that was not good so she tried to make a louder noise so that they would look at her and maybe it would bring Katie back to what was going on. All it did was make everyone look at her as she said, "Oops." Still trying to cover for Katie.

Katie couldn't help but let out a little quiet moan that no one heard as she was reliving her time with Jake as he lifted her and pressed her against the wall stepping all over the clothes that he had stripped off of her. Neither of them cared at all about her clothes at that time.

Gina noticed that she started breathing even harder and knew that she had to do something, so she kicked her under the table. Katie let out an "Oww." And started rubbing the spot on her leg where Gina had kicked her.

Katie's eyes had popped open when the kick had happened, but that did not stop her face from becoming even redder than it already was. Katie picked up a napkin and was acting like she was just wiping her mouth, but she felt the heat coming off her face she was using it just to cover it up. Katie couldn't believe that she had started daydreaming of that. Especially while she had been sitting there in front of everyone.

Katie gave a nod to Gina as a thank you for bringing her back so she could finish eating, not that she was all that hungry even though the food was wonderful.

Gina thought that there might be something wrong with the meal. It was taking longer to be eaten at least by some of the people. Gina looked and it was really only a few that were eating slowly and that was Katie, Will, Snow, and the captain. Gina could see that there was something going on between Snow and the captain, but she could easily tell that Snow had no interest in him romantically, but it was easy to tell there was something. By the way that Will was watching Snow and Filmore Gina could tell that he noticed it too. Gina knew what was wrong with Katie but she was not sure what to do to help her or if there was anything that would ever help her.

The meal was finished, and Snow said, "That was a great meal. But I will need to be talking to all three of you girls in our room."

All three girls looked up at her. They all knew that they had done wrong and now it was just how was she going to punish them. The captain smiled hearing that she wanted to talk to them in the room and said, "Don't punish them too badly they make wonderful food."

Snow gave him a glare that made them instantly cower. It was as if to say who do you think you are to interfere with my girls and said, "I never said that I was punishing them thank you very much."

 Both Will and Filmore took a hard swallow and gave her apologetic looks.