Ch 68

Gina was still worried about Katie she didn't know how she was going to face things having Jake doing what he did to her. Gina knew that first loves are not usually your only love, but that doesn't make it hurt any less as it is happening.

Gina and Mia were almost at the galley when Jake came up to them and called out, "Hold up a minute Gina, I need to talk to you. There has been some kind of misunderstanding."

Gina rolled her eyes and thought about what kind of misunderstanding could there be when Katie said that he was bragging about what he was doing with her. Not to mention how devastated Katie was. Gina thought about it for a moment whether she was even going to give him a chance to try and explain what happened. As she thought about it she figured for Katie's sake she would hear him out. That way she could tell her later even if she didn't want to hear about it now.

Gina Stopped walking and said, "Go ahead and say what you want." She gave him a very inpatient look doubting that she was going to believe anything that he was going to tell her.

Jake saw the look of disbelief in her eyes but at least she was going to listen. He looked over at Mia who had death looks in her eyes it was easy to see that she was not going to listen to any kind of explanation that he gave.

Jake took a hard swallow cleared his throat and nervously said, "Let me start by saying that I am sorry about the misunderstanding that we had. Let me explain it's like this when we started taking on passengers." He blushed and paused and then summoned more courage and said, "Well it's like this some of the passengers were looking for a young man to keep them company. Well, it gave me money and they taught me some new skills so that I would be better in bed. Look I am not proud of it but it isn't like I could let the guys know that. I just didn't want to hurt Katie just tell her that I am sorry."

Gina thought at least he sounded like he was sincere but that still sounded really bad it was like he was the whore for the ship. Gina thought that must be the truth because no one would want to look like that, at least no girl would. Gina gave him a nod, but they were both still pissed that he hurt Katie. They figured that he should have told Katie what was going on before he slept with her again.

Jake looked at them with such pleading eyes Gina said, "Well I will tell her once she is ready to hear it, but I don't think that will happen any time soon. After all, we are going to the trial for her father. She really didn't need this kind of upset right before all that was about to happen."

Jake nodded not knowing what to say but thinking that he would have preferred that she didn't find out about it now or this way either or ever really.

Mia took Gina's hand and gave it a pull saying, "Come on Gina, we are supposed to be in the galley. We don't want to get in trouble because of him." Looking at Jake with a disgusted look on her face she was not about to forgive him for hurting her friend.

Gina turned away from him as they started walking Jake touched her arm and said, "I still love her. You know that. Don't you?"

Gina paused and thought that she was never sure how much he loved her from the start, or if it was just so that she would sleep with him. Gina said, "Well all I can say is I will tell her what you said. When she wants to hear it, but I don't think it will happen for a long time." She pulled away from him, leaving him standing there alone.

When the two reached the galley Tug was standing there relaxing. He was just waiting to be told what they were going to be wanting to make for lunch. He figured that the lunch would be big, and supper would be the best. Since they were going to be the last two meals he was going to be able to work with them to make something special. He found himself wishing that they had more time to work with him.

Gina rolled up her sleeves and thought about what was the best thing that they were going to be able to make. At this point, she wished that Katie was there so that they could pick out something really special. Gina looked over at Tug and he was staring at Mia looking at her like something was wrong. Gina took a close look at her and started laughing to herself she had been in such a hurry to get redressed she had not paid enough attention and put her top on inside out and with everything going on they had not noticed until now.

Gina thought that Tug must have noticed since it was looking different than the way it looked when they were making breakfast. Gina knew that she was going to have to whisper it to her and she was going to have to turn it to the right side out before Katie would get there and notice. Gina thought that with everything that Katie was going through, she might not notice, but if she did Gina knew that the two of them would never hear the end of it.

Gina whispered it to Mia who instantly turned a dark shade of red. Gina told Mia to go get some items that were in the storage locker, giving her time so that she could get them and turn her top around while Gina kept Tug busy.

Gina looked down at her clothes, she wanted just to verify that they were correct. She knew that when she put them on, they were right side out and on the correct way, but she hadn't thought to check Mia as she just smiled and shook her head.

Katie came in and was just about to ask where Mia went when Mia came in with an armload of supplies that Gina had asked her to go get, and her top on correctly. She was still blushing a little and wouldn't look Tug in the eyes.

Gina saw that Katie was not looking that much better, but she was not any worse and she was at least not crying now. Gina asked, "Katie, what do you think we should make for lunch?"

At first, Katie started thinking that she really didn't want to be there and started cooking now. She just wanted to be left alone, but then a thought hit her. She was not going to let this beat her she would show him just what he was going to be missing out on. She was going to pull out all the stops and turn these meals into something amazing, something that none of them would ever forget.

Katie turned to Gina and said, "I want to make this unforgettable, and something that Jake will never forget. I need it to be something that will show him just what he will be missing for the rest of his life. Will you please help me?"

Gina gave her a hug and said, "Of course, I will help you all I can. You know we all will. Do you know what you want to make?"

Katie thought back to everything that the chef had done and there was one thing that was extremely difficult to the point that it was going to be almost impossible to make it on the ship. She knew that it was going to make it even harder since they were on the ship, but it was the only thing in her mind that just screamed to be made. Katie looked at the time and knew that it would have probably been better to make it for supper, but she knew that if they pushed it they could still make it for lunch.

Katie told Gina what she was thinking of making and Gina looked at the time and knew that they had time even if they served it a little late no one would complain once they tasted it. Gina nodded and said, "We have never done anything that elaborates on such a large scale especially in these conditions before, but if that is what you want to do, I will let you lead so that we can get it done. I have faith in you."

Gina took Mia under her wing so that she could directly direct her on what to do and how to do it while Katie did the same with Tug. Mia started to question why they were having her do it since she was so inexperienced in the kitchen she had only cleaned and put things away before. Gina looked her in the eyes and gave her a little kiss for encouragement saying, "We really need your help, and I will guide you every step of the way. Are you willing to try for me?"

The fear for Mia was tremendous, she was terrified that she was going to mess everything up but for Gina, she would try and do anything she asked. Mia said, "I will do my best."

Gina gave her a smile and said, "I am sure you will do great, and I will be helping you every step of the way."

The only thing that you could hear in the galley was the sounds of Gina and Katie directing the action and the intense chopping of all the ingredients. As Gina looked around, she couldn't believe how small the galley seemed now that all 4 of them were spread out working. Once everything was chopped and mixed, they worked with Tug to help him layer everything in the correct order. Katie takes the lead when it comes to the species, knowing just how crucial that step is Gina lets her have control knowing just how badly she wants to show this is hers. Gina stands close to Mia as Katie works with Tug to get the spices just right. Mia slips her hand into Gina's as they watch.

Tug and Katie are too busy to notice anything else going on around them as they get everything cooking for the precise time and temperature. Gina had seen the serious side of Katie before, but this meal seemed to be the most important meal in her life. Gina knew that she had something to prove and as she watched she saw Katie at her best.

The ship quickly fills with the aroma of the food cooking drawing out the hunger in everyone onboard the ship. Snow remembers that smell and is surprised that they are teaching Tug something so complicated. But then thinks that it is not about teaching Tug this time. It is about Katie showcasing her skills, and demonstrating her abilities. Snow knew that this was just to show Jake what he was going to be missing.

The food is nowhere near being ready to eat as the first of the crew starts making their way to form a line in the galley. As the smells become more dominant the men start getting a little hostile as some of them try and push their way up the line. They are forced back in place in line without any real commotion, no one wants to be sent away without food.

While Gina sits there waiting to help make the plates once it is finished cooking. She hears how some of the men are complaining that Tug is no longer using taste testers. Gina just had to laugh at hearing that. Thinking that soon enough everything would go back to normal. Only the cook with have some better dishes that he could make.

Will had appeared earlier than they had expected the smell of the food had become more powerful and there was not a square inch of the ship that the aroma had not seeped into. As Will entered the galley Gina waved him over so that he could stand over by them since he had to wait till it was done cooking and was plated. Will saw Katie and could tell that there was something wrong. He could tell she was upset, but there was something in her look she was not just upset. She was more driven than he had seen her before. It reminded him of what she looked like when she bounced back after Gina disappeared overboard.

Will started to ask her what was going on but when he called to her, she simply ignored him and kept cooking not wanting to talk to him about it. Will turned to Gina and tried asking her what was going on with Katie. Gina, not wanting to tell him anything that Katie didn't want him to know said, "Katie will tell you what she wants you to know, but right now her heart and soul are into making this dish the best in her life so far. She isn't really talking to anyone now you will just have to wait."

Will looked at her and noticed that she was still holding Mia's hand as they just stood there with him watching Katie and Tug finishing the cooking before the plating started. Once the pans started coming out of the oven Gina went in to help plate the food with the others.

As soon as the first pan was opened, and the surface was punctured it released the true aroma of the finished product. It made everyone's mouth start watering, as the hunger for a taste was driving them all wild. The smell seemed to just grow more powerful as it was dished out and plated.

The plates were quickly prepared making sure that everything looked perfect. Will and the others carried the plates to the captain's mess leaving Tug to finish plating and serving the crew. The captain and everyone were already sitting at the table just waiting for them to enter with the plates. Katie had decided that this time they were not going to shrink the portion size. She knew that everyone would want to get as much of this as they could get.

The captain couldn't believe how great just the smell was, and it seemed to get better every second as it got closer to him. He said, "This has to be the best thing that I have ever smelt. I just can't wait to get a taste. You girls have outdone yourselves once again."

Gina spoke up right away and said, "You can thank Katie for this one I only assisted in its creation all the credit belongs to her."

They all started thanking her, but Will and the captain could see by the look on her face that there was something going on with her. It was like someone had sucked the light and happiness out of her, leaving an empty shell behind. The captain made several comments to Katie trying to figure out what was going on with her and the most he could get out of her was a head nod or a head shake. Will was just as desperate to try and find out what was going on with her but no matter what either of them did Katie just was not in the mood to talk about anything.

As the meal finished Katie quickly disappeared back to her room with Gina and Mia following behind. Snow started to leave when the captain and Will stopped her asking just what was wrong with Katie.

Snow put it simply that Katie is no longer together with Jake. It is all over, but she thinks that her drive to be a better cook has become more intense. As they could tell by the food that was made.

The captain and Will didn't know just how to feel about it. It left the captain wondering if Jake had messed up the chance for the girls to be on the ship. Although with everything that they have gone through the last few days, he was thinking that maybe Snow was right from the start. The ship would have to be a passenger vessel to have them onboard full-time. For now, he was just going to let things ride as they were.

 Will was angry at Jake knowing that he had to have done something to make Katie not want to be with him but in a way, he was glad that it was over. Then he thought as long as she turned to cooking and not being wild like Snow maybe everything worked out for the best.