
"W—Why don't we go for some ice? I think we left it in the kitchen." Isabelle said, looking at Cassidy with a worried expression.

"We got this." Allen rose from where he was sitting, patting Kyle's back. "Help me out."

His vibrant green eyes looked up to him, getting up from his seat and following him inside the house.

Isabelle scowled at Cassidy, her arms crossed over her chest.

"You've been acting so weird these days, Cass. And now you seem to hate Kyle. Again." She emphazised the last word.

"I don't hate him." She said, her mind telling her otherwise. "I just... I'm in my days, you know how it is sometimes."

That part wasn't a lie, though.

"So you're all cranky because of your period?" Isabelle's eyes narrowed. "I get that, but the vibes you're giving me is of someone that doesn't want to be here."

"No, I want to spend time with you guys before Allen leaves." Cassidy sighed heavily. "It's just. Sometimes I can't stand him."