From today on your mine


The confusion and panic of the blue haired phantom in front of me was palpable.

Isabella told me there were not even records of any Formless becoming a phantom. Meaning the thousands of Formless reapers over the course of history were forever stuck as wraiths.

Yet the woman in front of me defied all that. Given how her father referred to how she fought as parlor tricks then he must have known that she was Formless.

Immediately upon my discovery I felt a sense of kinship with her. Unable to stop myself words of praise spilled out like a flood.

"I am in awe of everything you have accomplished Lilly. Just how much did you struggle to hide such a truth under the eyes of everyone. On the other hand, if they do know, just how much effort did it take you to get them to accept. Either case I find you amazing!"

"What?!" Lilly again repeated like a parrot.