Heroine Chapter: Then you are all my enemies!

Chapter POV: Liv Ivaldi


I walked forward into a magnificent hall. Thousands of voices echoed in the background. The path I passed was made of wood, but it shone like metal. At its end was a high, opulent, golden throne. The ruler of the North, Erik Odinson, the Revenant known as Unbreakable, sat unhappily at his seat.

The moment I had wished to delay all this time had finally arrived. My inevitable reunion with my father. I arrived in front of him and knelt down as I removed my helmet. The Head of Wisdom, a position similar to a chancellor, began the interrogation.

Yes, for all intents and purposes. Erik Odinson no longer had a daughter. I was not the Northern Princess anymore. My original name was lost along with my sin. Such was my punishment and burden to bear.