Heroine Chapter: You will tell me.

Chapter POV: Jasmine Denel


"Everybody! Vehicles are approaching! Bella, these wagons have no coachmen!" Liv yelled as she guarded the basement entrance.

[These are the vehicles I sent, Liv, watch the outside to see if any reapers are coming.]

My sister Josephine then instructed the children we were escorting. 

"Alright kids! We are going to play a fun game. Close your eyes and sing your favorite song as loud as you can! I will give yummy candy to the one who sings the best!"

The audience she spoke to consisted of children from at least ten different nationalities. Yet, despite not sharing a common language, the children all nodded and calmly followed her instructions. 

Although I heard her words in English, I knew that this feat was only possible because of her {fate}. I calmly guarded the doors in front of me.