My What? [1/2]

The world seemed to return to silence as my head became foggy. Even when I opened my eyes, I could see nothing. No sound reached my ears no matter how long I waited.

My entire body felt numb, as if it were asleep. 

[## ####!]

Huh? What was that? Some kind of transmission?

[## ####!]

Who was it from?

[## ####! ## ####! ## ####!]

It kept repeating, I wondered why? Still, the silence was quite comfortable. It's been a while since I could think like this in peace. I've met so many people, but it was always so noisy.


Who did I meet?

Why couldn't I remember?

What was I even doing?

[M# ##R#!]

Damn it. My memory was fucked up! What was I trying to do? 

Oh, right, I had to understand this strange transmission. 

What language was it? It doesn't look Asian. I should ask ### she knows Japanese, right? You know, being a ninja and all.

Huh? I knew a ninja?