Let's dance! [2/2]

I waved my hand as I replied. "It's okay, everyone in the 2nd Amendment is a squad leader candidate, they need to know these things eventually. We can move on."

I then turned to my squad and mentioned a warning. 

"While I trust you all, your friends or lovers are not included. Greed or envy will come out if the income information is shared carelessly. Do not share beyond the squad, are we clear?"

"Roger." X7

Cynthia nodded and started her report.

"The totals for the results are as follows. For the 1st zone, we found only 430 bodies out of 570 supposed Rank F's. For the 2nd, of the supposed 400, only 280 bodies were processed."

"Was it because I blew them up? I used a lot of grenades," I interjected.

"That may be one of the reasons, but I think the blessed bullets did more damage. If we assume that the missing bodies were all blessed, that means 260 rank F's were purified. According to the Holy Division, they found three sets of remains."