Fuck yeah, I'm in [1/2]

I tried to remember if I had ever mentioned this term to Vincent. How did he even find out? I guess it meant that even the girls were being watched just because of me. While I understood his reasons, my insides began to twist in annoyance.

"Ah, before you think of the worst possible option, my lord. I never stalked any of them, nor did I have any of them under surveillance. Or rather, it wasn't possible to begin with due to their nature."

"Then who did you hear the term from?"

"The ones who told me were the Sirens themselves. Each of them consulted the group on what to do with my men they had captured. In the end, Ms. Benelli took one of our phones and told us to stop. Her warning included that if we did not heed her words, the Sirens would really come after us."

"Josephine said that? Really? She didn't seem the type."



"My lord, does the term 'shooting star' ring a bell?"