Get to the point. [2/2]

With {Rewind} still on cooldown, I had no choice but to use another {Replace}.

My body began to vanish in an explosion of light, but before my consciousness left, I heard the silver cage murmur in approval.


As my body appeared outside the cage, my ears immediately registered the sounds of at least a thousand jackets fluttering in the wind! Fuckboi was the only one wearing a jacket!


I looked around in horror. 

My eyes saw a thousand Raymonds scattered across the sky and ground. All of them had over half a dozen sonic needles floating around them. 

Then they all asked eerily in unison. "Any last words?" x 1000

"[Inventory] F90s! [TANK]! [ABSORB]! [FLASH STEP]!"

"Then die! {SONIC NEEDLE}" x 1000

"ARGHHHHHHH!!!!" Shouting away all my fears, the sounds of a thousand lances made of violent wind rushed towards me. Even though I used [Flash Step], I could only dodge half of them.