Not going anywhere [2/2]

Of course, since he was more than twice their size, it was like a grown man beating up children. I then heard the sound of combined gunfire. Hellsend focused on the demon's legs and rained down Sacreds of all different types. 

Caliber-wise, the bullets were weaker than the switchblades, but unlike the previous attack, the demon winced as if in pain. He then sucked air into his mouth and roared in a loud voice.

The sound waves coming from his huge voice box were like a thunderous sonic boom. His mighty roar pushed us back as an invisible pressure slammed into our bodies, forcing us to retreat.

Just like my attacks, the demon's defenses seemed to be able to withstand powerful impacts. And similar to what I had seen, the holy energy of the Blessings were the only thing that could do any damage to the demon. 

"I am tired of this farce. Die!"