I will be your clown. [2/2]

"David. My goal is and always has been to close Hellsgate. My Phantoms intend to select defense zones and prepare for our eventual descent once we become Specters. Fighting Reapers from other continents is a waste of my time."

"Indeed. Which is why I look forward to your growth. Hmm. If I had to explain, I see you as a joker."

"A joker? You mean a clown?"

"Hahaha, well, you are entertaining, but no. I meant as a wild card. To use an analogy, the other Revenants and I are playing a game of poker. One where the fate of the world hangs in the balance. Depending on your actions, I could win the game," David answered in glee.

"Who will be held responsible for my actions? You? If they decide to go to war because my defense was too good, where does that leave me? I don't have time for this shit David. Find someone else."