Heroine Chapter: The final victor. [1/2]

Chapter POV: Aki Miroku 


In the penthouse suite of Shujin's hotel room, the Sirens and I were all trying on different cocktail dresses. Of course, we kicked out the only man who owned the room. 

"Jas! Jas! Look at this one! It makes my boobs look bigger! Darling will love this!" 

"Jo! Stop jumping all over the place, you will tear the dress." 

Of course, since there were only us women here, the atmosphere was a bit strange. 

"Aki, are you sure Possum will like this? Isn't it kind of light?" Robyn worried. 

"I'm sure Robyn. Shujin loves the natural look. Your face and nose are wonderful. Instead of using makeup to contour your face, it would be better to enchant your eyes." 

A woman's face and body remained her greatest weapons. Just as men enhanced themselves with status and wealth, women did the same with their attractiveness and beauty.