You built a church? [2/2]

It made a lot of sense when you thought about it. Wraiths might have been worth shit in Hellsgate, but on Earth? They were the equivalent to superheroes. That was what I learned about the savior bastards when I studied them.

Rather than fight the undead, they spent the night playing or sleeping. Then they would take the souls they needed from humans. They stole, blackmailed, or worked as assassins on Earth. 

Because {Fates} were powerful, they could achieve results beyond what human logic could explain. Their evil lives did not help the battlefront, but instead terrorized the people on Earth. 

And after I learned what {Blood Feast} was supposed to do, it made sense. Malice, the stuff that drove the reapers crazy, was the currency to summon a demon. So Robert's army was basically a malice farm.