My brilliance scares me [1/2]

Rock, Paper, Scissors. 

This was my first campaign as the lord of the 24th floor. It showed the three faces the world will know me by moving forward. 

Operations Scissor will show how surgical and methodical I will be. Against the undead and the fuckers of Hellsgate, I will remove every infection and tumor from my domain like a blade. This will serve as a testament to my kingdom. We will close Hellsgate, there was no other alternative.

Operation Paper will show what I do for those who serve me. It doesn't matter if you're kidnapped, drugged, or dead. If you are my ally, I will shield you from everything and save you.

Operation Rock will show the world what it means to be my enemy. Unlike how careful I am in my own kingdom, I will absolutely fuck up those who try to stand against me. No matter what it takes, I will burn them all to the ground.