How deep [2/2]

I said nothing but turned my neck, Liv understood my intention and answered me with a kiss. Of course, Jas and Lilly who were by my sides also tried to reassure me with their affection.

"You sure about this George? This bastard doesn't even a hair on his face. He looks green to me."

"And he here flirting with such pretty women. Ain't he just a pimp of some sort?"

"Who the fuck wears a suit in Hellsgate. All he has for armor is a pair of armlets. This boy would die out here."

Funnily enough, Liv, Lilly and Jas turned to them with hostility pouring out of their body language. The ones who knew how dangerous my girls were naturally stepped between our groups. 

"My ladies… Please forgive their ignorance. I will straighten them out!" Nyda stammered while waving her arms in a panic.