What it means [2/2]

Pride and affection poured out of me as I nodded. 

"Let's go. Kitten. [Inventory] AA-12."


Robyn and I resumed our approach and met the South American's aerial forces. They had birds, beetles, and wasps of all shape try to stop us. But against Robyn and I they could hardly be called a challenge. They were more like annoyances.

Before we could even get overwhelmed new reinforcements arrived. Switchblades began to take out Reaper after Reaper like asteroids during a meteor shower. Along with them was a squad of Wyverns carrying rifle totting Phantoms.

[Father! Please allow me to assist!] Sabel greeted.

"Ami! You finally are here!" "Bout time boss, you were about to miss the party!"

"Thanks everyone. I am on my way to kill the Specters. Clear the way!"

From all around, the chant arose: 'YES MY LORD!'