Why didn't you [1/2]

It was a common mechanic in video games. To introduce you to an enemy that was horribly overpowered. I had guessed that it was somehow to get the competitive spirit of the player burning. 

My first encounter with such a thing was in a Final Fantasy 7. It had a big ass snake called the Midgard Zolom. That fucking piece of shit ripped me apart the first time I tried to fight it. Despite the repeated game overs, I tried and died to it over ten times.

Eventually I had to accept that it was not possible at that point in my game and move on. I had to run from it again and again as I passed the area. I felt my honor and self-respect chip every time I did so. As the game progressed though, my moment came.

And when it did, I fucking relished it with a passion. I came to that area and fucking butchered that snake again and again just for the sake of it. It gave me neither items nor good experience. It was just for the joy of overcoming my past.