[I would like to elaborate on that. {Restore} rounds need the target to at least still be sane. Lady Lilly's excessive use of high voltages destroyed the brain and soulgem of the Reaper. Thus, even when shot with {Restore} her {Auto} couldn't be created.]
"Tsk. Be silent, Exa. It's not my fault. How was I supposed to know that she couldn't even handle this much? She was long insane from Robyn's torture before I even touched her."
"Sigh, so you turned her into a vegetable? I guess the leads Jas and I got at great expense were wasted," I complained.
"Get stuffed, Cowtits! What did you even do? I will agree that the Niggerette did a lot of work. But you? You can't use the kids as an excuse anymore! What are the rest of your brains doing?"
Annoyed, I walked over and pressed my breasts against Robyn.
"Running assault simulations in Antarctica. Researching our shopping list with Zach. Coordinating the rest of Hellsend. What about you, jailbait?"