WebNovelA Bastian69.70%

Chapter 91

The rising sun's warm light flooded the room, painting every corner with its radiant hues, and even the tightly closed curtains couldn't dampen the cheerfulness of this bright morning.

Bastian straightened himself, shifting his weight away from the wing chair's backrest. He opened a cigarette box without taking his gaze off Odette, seated at the opposite end of the sofa. He would have admired her in the angelic glow of the sunlight cast upon her, if he had not found out that she had betrayed him last night. Only when he took a cigarette from the box did Odette lift her head to look at him. She was deathly pale, emphasised by the redness of her eyes.

Bastian said nothing and just looked at her as he lit his cigarette. All Odette could do was endure his scrutinising gaze, enduring the punishment that stretched on needlessly.

Though she was filled with sorrow, Odette refused to let herself shed a single tear. Begging for mercy or forgiveness was futile, so she didn't waste the breath. All she wanted now was a temporary respite, to delay judgement until Bastian's business with the Emperor was concluded. After that, she would accept any fate, so long as she could maintain her protection of Tira.

Please, she pleaded silently.

Just as her gaze began to waver, Bastian flicked the ash from his cigarette into the ash tray, adding to the ever growing mound.

"If only you hadn't gotten caught." Bastian exhaled a cloud of smoke, which hung in the air above their heads. He did not raise his voice, but the anger was still clear. "How long were you planning on deceiving me, hmm?"

Odette felt like this might be her last chance, but she struggled to find the words. No lie would last long under his scrutiny, so honesty seemed to be the only option left to her. After all, Bastian Klauswitz was a practical man, the Emperor's deal held them firmly in marriage.

"I thought I could hide it until you went to war," she confessed, her voice trembling. "Our contract ends when you return, so I thought if I could just get through that, I could safely request a divorce."

"Ah, divorce." Bastian remained taciturn, until a slow smile crept along his face. She might have been good at acting like a good wife in the open, but secretly she was a spy bent on betraying him.

Bastian nodded approvingly, acknowledging Odette's plan. All he had to do was free himself from any vain and foolish notions to see the woman for what she truly was, a cold, calculating snob. Despite the blue blood running through her veins, she was mean and vulgar. He had let himself be blinded by her beauty and charm, but at the end of it all, she was no different to his step-mother.

As he looked back on their time together, he true nature was clear for anyone with an ounce of wit to see. Wondering from one low point, to another, seeking a marriage that would elevate her far above what she deserved. She was able to disguise her greed quite well.

What really niggled at him was that she didn't even have to try. He was so enraptured by the fantasy of it, that he willingly let himself get deceived.

Discarding the cigarette butt, Bastian rose from the seat. He took a step toward the train window and yanked the curtains open, making himself temporarily blind by the bright sun.

I love you, lets go together.

Bastian's lips curled into a sneer as he recalled that futile confession of love. He couldn't help but feel a slight appreciation for his step-mother exposing the lie for what it was. At the very least, it stopped him making a critical error, though he had already made a fool of himself.

He loosened his bow tie, it felt like it was slowly choking him. His watch said eight in the morning, the moment had arrived to commence preparations. Time to embark on his journey to be a hero.


Bastian went through his morning routine robotically. He washed, shaved and changed into fresh attire. His agile movements went through the motions without thought, composing a countenance that betrayed no hint of how tired he was from the sleepless night. He finished by neatly combing his hair and slicking it back with pomade.

Odette did not move from the end of the sofa, watching him go through his routine. It felt like she was paralysed in a nightmare. She longed to plead for her judgement, the waiting felt like a punishment itself.

"Prepare yourself, madam," Bastian finally said to her.

He adjusted his medals with meticulous attention to detail, then slowly turned to face her. As she looked up at him with mournful eyes, it felt like a vail lifted, revealing the woman who had captivated him since the day they had met.

"You said you wanted to atone for your sins, did you not?" His voice was calm. He turned and watched the tranquil waters of Lake Lausanne flowed past. He still desired that woman.

It drove him mad, especially when he played with the idea to strike up the deal with the Emperor and force Odette into marriage. Tie the knot and have her commit to him for the rest of her life. It felt like he was under the influence of a spell.

He chuckled as he took measured steps toward her. She had not said a word. Gradually his mind cleared from the pink fuzz with each step.

He understood Theodora Klauswitz's intentions in exposing the spy. Theodora had no intention of causing a scandal, she wasn't foolish enough to challenge the Emperor directly, however it was clear that she deliberately used Odette as a weapon to provoke him. And he fell right into her trap.

Through no fault of his own, he had disrupted a meticulous scheme and in order to make future promises, he would have to invest a lot of time and money once again. It was clear that the battle to come was going to be a lot more challenging than any he had fought before.

All because of you.

Once he stood right in front of Odette, he reached down and seized her chin, noting her enduring beauty. Even in that moment, when all he wanted to feel was contempt for the betrayer, he couldn't help but feel his heart lift when she looked into his eyes.

"Act modestly Mrs Klauswitz." Bastian ordered, but strength in his grip. Of course he would strike a deal with the Emperor.

Taking a deep breath, he knew he had to fulfil the marriage agreement he had made to compensate for the damages Odette had caused. He had no choice but to tolerate this woman for as long as it was necessary.

Once the festival was over, he would go to Trosa Island, where he could seize lucrative opportunities for a few days patience, especially if he had to deal with this woman.

"I know you don't want to end up in prison, so you need to play along, otherwise you will be exposed as the criminal who attempted to kill her own father. Does that sound like a more compelling reason than adultery?"


"Its up to you, live as the perfect little wife to the end of your contract, or I will put you in prison. You're good at pretending and deceiving everyone, that much is true." Odette groaned as he pulled her chin up. "Enough with your foolishness, Odette, you're debts will be brought to count by Tira Bryller." Bastian warned.

"No, she has nothing to do with this!" For the first time, emotion flickered across Odette's face.Bastian was taken aback, but quickly replaced his surprise with a mocking laugh.

"Tira, please, spare her. It's all my fault, please…"

"Shut up, Odette," Bastian frowned at her. "All you need to do is obey me. It was clearly stated in the contract you signed. Smile as though you were the happiest woman in the world." He traced his gloved thumb around Odette's lips and smiled at her elegantly. "If you wish to safeguard your little sister's life, you must perform admirably."