WebNovelA Bastian71.97%

Chapter 94

Bastian turned to look at his wife, who stood confidently by his side. She was undaunted even in the presence of the elderly generals. Odette's social skills shone brightest when challenged.

"To leave your wife here, alone, the Major is a soldier of extraordinary will, I wouldn't be able to do it," chuckled a silver haired admiral.

"She is far too precious, I want to keep her safe. Torsa is not a good place for such a young lady," said Bastian.

Pleasant laughter erupted from the other officers. "Even if the rumours of you becoming soft because of your wife were true, I still would never believe it. I never thought I would ever witness the day."

Once they had emptied their glasses and finished teasing the newly weds, the generals returned. Bastian never once let go Odette's waist, his smile not once faltering. It was clear that he was experiencing the most unforgettable day in his career.

"Smile," Bastian whispered to Odette.

Startled, Odette who was lost in thought, snapped her head up and smiled broadly. Their eyes locked and her already flushed cheeks grew even redder. Bastian chuckled.

"Are you not ready to sacrifice your life for your sister? Has your conviction already wavered?"

Odette did not reply.

"Just tell me, I will be happy to respect that."

Still Odette said nothing.

"I suggest you answer me, Odette," Bastian said sombrely.

Odette avoided eye contact, reluctantly lifting her face toward him. The woman was fragile, like a porcelain doll and he feared the slightest touch could crack her.

He was almost shocked to find himself wanting to see her cry, to hear her pleas and drop the facade. He wanted her to break down and beg to the point where he couldn't bear to hear her begging any more.

"…sorry," she eventually said.

A sigh escaped from Bastian's lips as Odette's eyes grew cold and emotionless. She was as calm as still water. Her determined expression and elegantly long neck only added to her majestic bearing. She was a remarkable actress. He still believed in her, even after he reminded himself why he had chosen Odette in the contracted marriage.

Odette let out a laugh, mocking his foolishness. A beauty as captivating as the days that had once fed his fruitless dreams. Ultimately, every moment was a lie.

Confronting the undeniable reality, the slowly drifting warship came to a halt. The time had come for the fireworks display, marking the end of the festival.


Seats had been provided for Major Klauswitz and his wife on the upper deck, a gesture of consideration from the Emperor. As Odette passed through the crowd, she felt like she was walking on a cloud.

She was going to reach her limit soon, with her exhausted body no longer under her control, her legs numb and her vision blurred. Despite her struggle, she made it to the railing where she took deep breaths of fresh sea air.

Bastian's promise remained unwavering in her mind, leaving no room for doubt. He had always been a man of his word, even though he was mean and vulgar most of the time.

Odette took a shaky breath as the crowd cheered for the first sparks of dazzling light and colour that filled the sky. She did not look up as the fireworks burst one after the other. The world fell silent and darkness engulfed her.

'Please hang on.'

Despite the impending punishment, Odette clung to her final regret. Just as tears threatened to break out, Bastian scooped her up before she fell. In that moment, a number of fireworks exploded across the sky, illuminating Lausanne with gold. Ignoring the onlookers, Bastian held Odette tightly under the golden rain.

He will make her pay for her betrayal.

Bastian put an end to the days agony. With Odette nearly fainting, he did his best to shelter her from the crowd around them, hiding her condition from prying eyes. He tried to sooth her by stoking the back of her head, looking at their surroundings as if weary for predators.

Not yet.

Only he could be the one to end her life; no one else would. Until that fateful day arrived, Odette had to remain steadfast and endure without crumbling.

As the finale of the fireworks approached, Odette's panic subsided. Her body still trembled, but at least her breathing was steady. Bastian wiped away the cold sweat from her forehead with a gloved hand. Ignoring the strong desire to strangle her.

As the night deepened and the festival drew to a close, colorful fireworks adorned the skies and sea of Lausanne, the breathtaking spectacle of the fireworks faded to memory. Bastian looked down at her, fully aware of the nosy onlookers.

"Be patient," Bastian whispered With a sweet voice that belied the stern command, as if professing love

Fear instinctively gripped Odette, resistance was futile. All eyes were upon them. She was trapped, no better than a prisoner and all she could do was brace herself against the impending agony.

In that moment, they were nothing more than a mere jesters. With sudden realisation, Odette's vision blurred as tears of shame welled up.

"Bastian…" she said weakly, but the words were carried away by the air that smelled of gunpowder.

Bastian lowered his eyes and calmly regarded her. In his pale blue eyes, a chilling sneer danced. Bereft of any remaining hope, Odette released her grip on him and to her surprise, he kissed her.


The Admiralty's grandest festival to date came to a triumphant close. From the resplendent victory march, the promotions ceremony and the awe-inspiring maritime review, Bastian Klauswitz stood as the heroic figure of the Battle of Trosa.

Bastian sealed his triumph with a kiss at the climax of the fireworks. The Emperor watched him, having recognised Bastian's ambition and bright prospects. His accomplishments surpassed all expectations. It was a scene of such dramatic magnitude, so masterfully executed, he was wondering if they had a script writer.

A self-assured smile graced the Emperors lips. The nations wedding would take place at the end of the year. Prince Nikolai cheered with unparalleled fervour, surpassing even the most enthusiastic onlooker. Doubts about Isabelle's fidelity did not linger.

Would Bastian's continue his marriage to Odette after the promised period has expired? The Emperor looked down at the impudent hero. While it would be preferable for them to stay together, ultimately he would have to honour their choice should they decide to separate.

The lover's kiss, as beautiful as any painting, dissolved amidst the final embers of the fireworks. The Emperor applauded them as the rest of the crowd cheered for the fireworks. It was a grand finale that deserved applause.